Trusting your instincts, you guide your hand to the scruff of the cat's neck to the very top of his head. The cat simply accepts all of it, seemingly content and happy. Strange, maybe petting a cat is easier than it looks? Or are you just lucky? Either way, the cat continues to purr and murr, demanding all the pettings you can give.



You felt your fingers brush against something weird that does NOT feel like fur. Pausing your petting, you shift Ming onto one of your arms so you can investigate without putting him down.


Ignoring the cat, you pull your hand that brushed onto this weird thing in Ming's fur in front of you. What you discover makes your blood run cold.

Orange goo...or 'latex' as the journal might refer to it as. This goo came from this tabby's own fur. But how? Where did it come from??

'Wait, that wolf. That thing is made out of...umm, latex!'

That wolf is an animal just like this cat, and if this goo is orange, from this cat.


The cat meows in annoyance as he throws himself onto your chest. Realization hits you. This cat is a latex monster!

"N-no! Get off me!"

You then pull as hard as you can as the cat latches onto your chest, stretching like elastic as you try to pry it off. The cat meows in protest and hangs on as much as it can, refusing to let go. With one strong heave, you throw the cat off as it snaps off your chest and splats against the wall.

'Did...did I kill it?'

You feel slightly guilty for taking this cat's life, but it has left you with no choice. It is either you or him, and you will not take any chances.


Your head snaps upwards as you see the orange goo clawing downwards.


You run as fast as your legs can carry as the goo crawls down to the floor and starts to reform, its head taking shape along with its front paws, torso...all the way down to the tip of its tail.


You shiver in fear as you hear the angry roar of the cat. The cat is not pleased and is not taking no for an answer.

Your first thought is to run out of here and get as far away from that cat immediately as possible, but that is easier said than done. First, you don't know where the exit is; second, the boxes are stacked up so high that it's impossible to see the door.

Panicking, you turn around in different directions as you try to make your way through the maze while the cat chases you down. The narrow pathways make it hard for you to manoeuvre or decide the next direction.

Trying to sprint down a path, you wade your way through tumbled boxes obstructing the path. Thankfully it also slows down the cat by a bit.

'Where's the exit???'

It has to be somewhere in here. Surely there is another door here? The longer the chase goes on, the more you sense the impending doom as the cat makes its way closer to you bit by bit.

Wading through another pile of boxes, you lose your footing as you tumble to the ground.

Fearing you are leaving yourself vulnerable, you push yourself up in a hurry.


With one mighty cry, the cat jumps onto a box and jumps towards you, taking the opportunity.

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