Chapter twenty five- A New Emperor

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Chapter twenty five- A New Emperor 

 "...some things are better left forgotten."

 What does he mean by that? Ashlyn was awake, but she didn't feel like moving. She stayed in the same position and left her eyes closed. She sighed, who was that guy? He's kinda creepy. She thought for a while. The sound of another person's breathing caused her to freeze. Wait a minute... Ashlyn opened her eyes and sat up slightly. Beside her laid Prince Hakuryuu, sound asleep. She gasped and backed up, not realizing there was no more bed to back up onto. She yelped as she hit the floor.

Hakuryuu woke up slightly. Sleepily he asked, "Ashlyn-dono, are you alright?"

"Uhm, yeah." Ashlyn stood. What time is it? She sighed as she remembered 'clocks' apparently weren't a thing. Why don't they have clocks here anyway? It seems much easier. "I think the funeral is soon...I'm not really sure."

"It is." Hakuryuu sat up, waking up more. "We should get ready. The servants left you some robes over there," He pointed to a bureau on the other side of the room. "Everyone wears the same thing, mostly."

"Alright..." Ashlyn walked over and grabbed the robes. They were white with long sleeves, and had a black dress underneath. It'll be fun figuring out how these work... She thought as she left to change.

"Seisyun will be waiting for you in the hall. I've got to go now." Hakuryuu called through the bathroom door to her.

"Ok!" Ashlyn called back as she wrestled with the robes.


"Are you ready?" Seisyun asked as Ashlyn met him in the hallway. He wore the same clothing she did.

"Mhm." Ashlyn nodded.

"Alright then, come on." Seisyun began walking away. "We'll be with all the other assistants and household members. You're not afraid of large groups, are you?" He teased as they walked.

"Hah, no." Ashlyn lied, forcing a chuckle.

"Good." Seisyun smiled. "Oh, by the way. This is how you should keep your hands during the ceremony," He balled his right hand into a fist and placed his left over it.

Ashlyn copied him, "Cool...Easy enough."

"Yep. Keep quiet the entire time too, and make sure you face forward." Seisyun continued to instruct her. "Got it?"

"Yeah, sure." Ashlyn nodded. They approached a few other assistants and household members. Ashlyn didn't recognize any of them, besides Princess Kougyoku's assistant, Ka Koubun. She smiled at him as he looked her way. The look on his face as he recognized her almost made Ashlyn laugh.

"You! What are you doing here?!" He hissed as they entered the room the funeral would take place in.

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