Chapter 16

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•Ciel's POV•

Lunch was rather quiet. (Y/N) and I sat beside each other, eating slowly. She finished before I did and took off out of my sight.
'Where the hell is she off to so quickly?' I sigh mentally and stand up; I decided to follow the direction she went in. I barley made it to the living room before a figure crashed into me.

"Ciel!" (Y/N) exclaimed, "We're going on a nature walk!"
I gasped at the sudden contact and dusted myself off once she released me.

"Alright. Is there another surprise?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe, maybe not~." She smirked, her (E/C) eyes glowed.

"Let's go then." I followed her out the door and back on solid ground.

"This way," she pointed and began walking, "it's a safer trail."
I nodded and the two of us made our way down the path. I had to admit, there was beautiful scenery. The flowers were in full bloom along with the sound of humming birds rapidly flying from flower to flower.

"Where are we going exactly?" I questioned while following behind.
(Y/N) is almost never this quiet for an extended period of time.

"A place." She responded and turned a sharp corner.

"Alright. What place?"

"A place. Now shut up I need to hear this." (Y/N) abruptly stopped walking and listened. There was the soft sound of running water in the distance. She grabbed my hand and lead me through winding trees until I saw a clearing.
There was a beautiful sparkling waterfall and a large field. The scene was breathtaking.

"Like it?" (Y/N) grinned and flopped down in the grass, "It's wonderful."

"I agree. Thank you for showing me this." I smile softly and sit beside her.

"I know how much you work, so I thought this would help a bit." She smiled and stretched. I watched her as she stood and spread her arms. Suddenly her wings opened and filled the air.
"Excuse me." She bowed and took to the sky. My eyes followed (Y/N)'s swift movements. Twisting left and right, avoiding anything in her way. I was amazed with her abilities. Not shocked, I have a demon for a butler, but surprised.

I observed for a few more minutes until she finally landed back down.
"Whew, that felt nice." She shivered, "I'm glad I could stretch my wings."

"I take it you enjoyed yourself?" I ask.

"Yes, actually. It's hard having your feathers crammed into your back all day." she signed and strokes her wings. I get up and run my fingers along the top of them, feeling how soft they were. The white and black color was amazing.
"I love your wings." I commented.

She chuckled, "I know. Thanks."

We lied there for what felt like hours but was actually twenty minutes. Then (Y/N) suddenly stood up and announced that she had to pee.

"Then go." I said while holding back a small laugh.

"I don't want to go alone!" She whined and tugged on my shirt.

"Fine." I sigh and walked with her back to the tree house.
'(Y/N) is different from a lot of other people I've met,' I thought to myself, 'Not just because of her abilities. But by personality as well. I know for sure I'm taking a liking to her.'
I grinned and took her hand, earning a surprised yet happy look from the girl beside me.

Okay so every story needs conflict. And well mine starts with a booty shorts wearing blonde. His last name rhymes with 'fancy'. Hehe yes it's Alois! I'm not going to make him a complete bitch because I'm actually a fan of him. I'm also a hardcore Cielois shipper. Thanks for reading this if you did!

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