Chapter 13

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•Your POV•

"Alright fine." Ciel groaned, which made me giggle. 'This is going to be great!'

"Thanks Ciel! See you tomorrow morning around ten, be ready!" And with that I left my surprised boyfriend and skipped down the path. I'm going back to headquarters so I can catch up with Nikki. Plus I need help getting ready for the date.


"Hey Will." I panted while walking through the double doors. I had sprinted the whole way here.

"Hey (Y/N), where have you been? I don't remember giving you overtime." William responded and shuffled his papers.

"Yea, I apologize. I was invited to the Phantomhive manor and stayed overnight. I will also be there tomorrow throughout the day."

"Oh, no you're not. You haven't finished your to-die list. So unless you complete all fifty due before sunrise, you aren't going anywhere."

"Understandable," I saluted Will and grinned. "give me a few minutes and I'll be ready."

I took off towards my room and flung the door open, "Nikki!!"
My roommates head tilted from her book. "Yes?"

"Guess what?!" I squealed and clapped.

"Oh girl, what is it??" Now I had her attention, she put her book down and say on my bed.

"Okay. Remember Ciel?"

"Yes. The blue haired pirate."

"Well we are dating now. And I showed him my powers and he comforted me during that storm last night. And we are going on a date! Nikki I need girl help!"

"Woah, take a breath (Y/N). So you want my help planning a date?"


Her face lit up into a goofy grin as she sprang into the air. "Lets start now!"

Sighing, I shook my head. "Can't. William has me on overtime because I never finished my to-die list. I'll be up all night with what he gave me to do."

"Don't worry. While you are out with Grell I will start planning your outfit. Along with date ideas." Nikki hugged me before I left once again.

"Look it's Sebastian!" I shouted in a fake surprised tone. Grell appeared beside me in two seconds flat with a camera, "Where's Bassy?!?!"
I laughed and turned to face the red head.
"Your Bassy isn't here. We're on overtime. So lets go."

Groaning, Grell obeyed and followed me out the double doors and up the escalator. Yes, we have an escalator up to the human realm. It honestly makes things a lot easier.


"We have fifty peoples souls to collect before sunrise. The times of death are evenly spaced so we have time to get them all. Ugh, William wasn't kidding when he said overtime." I walked casually down the streets of London with my to-die list held tightly in my hands.

"Who's first? It's around three." Grell spoke while checking the clock tower.

"Hm. At exactly three Emma Barson will be attacked by a wild bear. It says the beast claws her pretty badly and she bleeds to death after the bear leaves her to rot." I explained before walking into an alley way.
Grell and I then climbed the side of a building. Jumping onto the roofs of each structure, we swiftly made it to the forest just in time to hear a blood curdling scream.

My (H/C) hair tangled in the wind while I raced through the thick trees. As my (E/C) eyes scanned the surroundings, another shout was heard. But this one was more animal like, the roar of an attacking bear.
I followed the sound while Grell followed me. Finally I discovered a small clearing. The bear had cleared, leaving the poor girl lying there.

"It's a shame," I said while sitting beside Emma. "you are a beautiful girl."

"A-Are you here to h-help me?" She begged quietly.

"No, I'm afraid not in the way you want. See here, Emma, I'm a reaper. Therefore I am here to put you out of your misery."

"You are a r-reaper?"

"In training. But same thing. Just hush now and it'll be over soon. Who knows? If you are important enough we might allow you to live."

"I could l-live?"

"Yes you could. But we rarely ever allow that unless you have some place in this world that's important. So if you don't mind, we need to take your soul now."

Before Emma could speak, Grell silenced her with the roar of his chainsaw and the ripping of flesh. I closely studied her records to find any means of survival.
At first things seemed normal. A young girl with her parents. But then her parents suddenly disappeared when she was thirteen. Leaving the poor teen. She had two young children with her most of her teenage life. Emma is too young to have kids, I assume they are siblings.
They look to be five and seven. As I watched, I noticed her tuck them under tarp and into boxes outside at night.

Emma took care of her sisters. They slept outdoors and stole from shops to survive. While nearing the end, I saw Emma wave goodbye to the two children. Then the slides ended as she walked into the woods.

"Oh well. She's a nobody." Grell sighed and got ready to finish the job.

"Wait!!" I stopped him suddenly.
'I can't leave those two kids alone like that. They are waiting for their brave sister to come back. The council will understand, right? I'm not just too nice?' My brain buzzed with questions that will probably go unanswered.

"Why did your stop me? This girl isn't worth it." Grell placed his hands on his hips.
"She has two siblings to take care of. They are waiting for her return. I can't allow those poor children to be alone." I countered.

"Fine. I guess this can slide..." He rolled his eyes and pulled out his scythe.
"We have discovered purpose in this world you give, so in accordance your records you shall live." I spoke strongly and watched Emma's wounds begin to heal. In a matter of minutes her brown eyes glowed with life once more.

"W-What happened? I thought I died..." She sat up and looked her body over, "I no longer have any claw marks."

"I allowed you to survive. Please, go back to your sisters and let them know you are alright. Be careful now, don't go into the woods alone and unarmed. Here," I handed her some money from my pocket, "this is enough money to get you by for awhile. Get a job and support yourself. Promise?"

Emma just stared at me with wide orbs. She shakily took the money from my hand and smiled. "T-Thank you so much. What's your name?"

"(Y/N). I already know who you are though. I must be going, be safe."

"Okay. Thank you (Y/N)." She hugged me and walked off. I grinned and glanced at Grell.

"Come on, Grell. Let's go and finish the list." I patted his shoulder and took off once more.

Grell's Student (A CielxReader)Where stories live. Discover now