Chapter 7: A Date?

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Sasuke's Pov

Our mission was quite simple. All we had to do was escort a man to his home. So it was a C rank mission. Though if I'm going to die -Probably soon- I need to do everything I need to do before I leave, I mean.. I can't just leave now without saying/doing Anything?! So I'll need to start by now....

"Nao?" I asked holding back but I couldn't it's now or never. "Yes Sasuke-kun?" "Wanna go out later...?" She blushed Cute... "Go out and do what?" "Maybe get some Origami and some stuff..." It seemed her heart jump a beep "Stuff like... what?" "You know" I said making her more flustered "What do you mean Sasuke-kun!" "It'll be a surprise for later" I said smiling at her....


Later on (after the mission)

We were at the gates Me and Nao parted ways with Naruto and Kakashi Sensei. I lead Nao to a place I know with the best Origami "How many Origami would you like?" I ask Nao "mmm... 2?" "Okay.. 4 Origami please" we went to sit on a table I sat across Nao making me face her. "So how was yesterday?" I asked trying to break the silence

"Oh it was good... Oh and there was something werid!" "What was it?" "Well I went to visit Shika-kun's house cause it's been forever so.. yea we talked then later I went.. turned out I had his forehead Protecter in my bag for some reason and I went back... I tried to find Shika-kun but couldn't so I left it with a letter!" "Werid..."

"Yea it really was what about you?" Yesterday I was mentally preparing myself to die "Oh it was quite normal" A server came and put 2 Origami Infront of me and 2 Infront of Nao "Please enjoy" He said "Thank you" me and Nao said. later on me and Nao finished our food I said I would go to the bathroom before we leave

Nao's Pov

I was waiting for Sasuke-kun to come back, thinking about what he meant by stuff... Ofc it wasn't something nasty was it? "Hey Cutie. What are you doing here all alone?" I was shocked. A tall, seemed like a 14-15 year old boy with Dark-Chocolate-messy  hair with blue-sky eyes wearing a navy blue short-slevees shirt and grey short up to the knees. Resting on his hand on the table, standing Infront of me blending down a bit gazing at me.

"W-What do you want?" I said trying to cover fear. It seemed like he read through me completely Damn! "Hmm wanna hang out with me?" He asked, smirking. And I didn't like it "No" I said insisting him to sho off. He stopped smirking, now he seemed serious, that got me freaked out "You know... That wasn't a question"

I froze. No no no no! This can't be happening he took my hand and dragged me off. I tried to take my hand away.. but he was too strong. I was about to say something but he cut me off  by covering my mouth with his fingers"Look... If you try to say something or scream I will give no mercy in killing you" My eyes widened Please No....

He dragged off to an alleyway and throughed me to the ground "W-What do you want?" I said sadly "I'll show you now..." I was terrified what is he going to do?! He bought something from his back pocket but I couldn't really see it. He took both off my hands, while I tried to get out of his hold, he held them tightly together, then brought his other hand revealing Handkifs?! He chained both of my hands together still holding them by one hand

"Well.. let's start the fun. Sha'll we?" I was about to refuse when he ripped my shirt off. I was shocked. No not this.... "Let me go" I said holding tears in my eyes "Aww already tearing up? I still didn't do anything" I was only wearing a bra from the top. Revealing the rest of my skin "Thought... There are still a few things getting in the way..." No no no no no no no no "Let me go you pervert!" He just ignored me taking off my bra

Tears fell from my eyes freely. I just froze like time had stop. He took one off my boobs kissing it, then sucking, then hit the tip. He started sucking the tip "P-Please Stop" I begged over and over but nothing. He stopped sucking the leand forward to my face. He kisses me passionately. Get off me! I cried. then he forced his tongue in my mouth. I fighted  back but I was too tired from everything happening. He searched over my mouth fully.

Making our tongues touch. "Mm!" I tried pulling off I felt so defensless and tried. Like I was about to lose consciousness. He broke the kiss then kissed me again fastly, and repeated. I was too exhausted to even fight back now "Nao?!" I heard a fimiliar voice call out... But who? I searched to find a black figure running to me I couldn't see who.. I felt like I was loosing consciousness. My eyes closed and I dosed off....

Sasuke's Pov

I went to the way the cashier said to go to the bathroom since they didn't have any inside. I went but it wasn't there. I searched for quite a good amount of time. I was worried about Nao. Then I found it! I got out then head to the (Origami place). I went to where I left Nao but.... She wasn't there?! Where is she?! I know Nao enough to know that she wouldn't do something like this in a 1000 years

Something serious is going on.... I ran off searching for Nao as fast as I could after 3 minutes I found Nao and this....guy... Kissing Nao?! I was raged he also handkifed Nao! Nao seemed exhausted. "Nao?!" I said Shocked from this seen. I felt my vision get better... Better then my 2 tome Sharingan. I ran off to Nao. I need to stop this brat! His not going to live after this!"


I woke up seeing the same boy that kissed Nao... Dead?! And dead cruelly. Nao was just staring at him, frozen from fear. Though she was still half naked, so I got out one off my scrolls and opened it, revealing a extra pair of clothes I gave it to Nao -not looking at her- She moved away a bit and wore it. It was the same as mine. She looked cute, but there was no time for that... There was a dead body Infront of us

"H-How did he die?" I asked confused. She looked at me shocked "Y-You k-ki-lled him d-don't y-you r-remember?" She was clearly afraid of me "W-What?!" "You had a 3 tome Sharingan and weird black marks on you...." No this can't be happening! Please be a dream! Please! "I-I killed him?" I said in disbelief. She only looked down in response

No... Will I lose everything now...?

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