Chapter 3: Teams?

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Naruto's Profile

Name: Naruto Uzumaki/Namikaze
Age: 8
Grender: Male
Father: ???
Mother: ???
Character: Active, kind, understanding
Talent: ???
Dream: To Become Hokage

Story Start

( SORRY I lost my phone for 4 days 😭

Nao's Pov

I woke up slowly remembering last night "What?" I noticed I was in my room. What happened? Otō~San came in my room, still night "What is it, Nao?" He asked concerned "How did I get here?" I asked surprised "Oh turns out you slept outside, and Sasuke brought you back"

"WHAAAT?!!" I felt my cheeks as hot as hell! "Is there anything wrong?" "How did he bring me back exactly?!" "Oh he carried you on his back. Are you embarrassed about it?" "OFC!!!" "You shouldn't cause you are comrades at the academy now, and maybe at the same team when you graduate. You'll go through times like this when your in danger" "Maybe... But, first times still embarrassing!"

"You'll get used to it" "WHAT?! NO WAY NOT A SECOND TIME!!" "Okay say that you'll change your words someday" "Nope!" "Anyways you should get back to sleep. You got a lot of training tomorrow" "Yea" Otō~San got out of my room closing the door behind him while I dosed off back to sleep


Later on while I was growing up I was close friends with Sasuke-kun, Naruto-kun, Shikamaru-kun, and Neji-kun, though Sasuke~kun and Naruto~kun are the closest to me. I trained a lot. Stuff like, water style, meaning I can make a mist. I can make a Shadow Clone, and I kept on learning I passed the test, and graduated from the academy.

I was teamed up with Sasuke-kun, and Naruto-kun; We were already friends so we were a good team, and Otō~San turned out to be our Sensei That really surprised me, and the others. We went on missions, had fun, sometimes go out together


(Nao is 13)

"Nao I really am starting to question. Are you a guy?" Otō~San said weirdly while I was in my bed ready to sleep "Ofc I am a girl why?!" "You don't have any friends that are girls" "That's because they are all annoying simps" I answered "sigh' your choice" I dosed off....


I got ready dressed, did my hair in a ponytail. Ready for what's coming since Otō~San said he got some exercise for us. I thought about while I was eating breakfast, and for the first time Otō~San wasn't late, seems he was ready for something fun...

When we got there ' basically the latest, but not that late' I found Sasuke-kun, and Naruto-kun, and all the other teams weird I thought "Okay everyone" Otō~San said "Now, you'll be playing a game of hide-and-seek" HUH?! That's what he was excited about?! I thought "Team 10, and 9 will be the seeker's, and 'no' Byakugan Neji! Team 8, and 7 will be the hiders. Good luck!"

Okay not too hard "10 minutes to hide Go!" Team 10, and 9's eyes were covered, and our Sensei's were checking them. I jumped a bit far from them with Sasuke-kun, and Naruto-kun. "Have any place in mind?" I asked "Yea..." Sasuke-kun answered "I have a place, I'm sure probably our Sensei's don't even know it. Let's go!" I followed Sasuke-kun, so did Naruto-kun

We were running for a good 7 minutes, and we got through the Uchiha Clan Fort "Sasuke-kun, I think they'll expect this.." I said concerned "Don't worry. This is not the end of the road" He reassured me making me smile. We got in some werid shrine. It seemed Sasuke-kun was looking for something he went to the 7th square at the floor, and pulled it out surprisingly it had an underneath tonal

"Woah" "C'mon we don't have time to waste" "Right!" Me, and Naruto-kun went in while Sasuke-kun went last putting back the (floor square thingy) and went in with us when we came to an end we found a werid stone. It had the Uchiha Symbol on it, and read something I didn't understand "Do you know what it says Sasuke-kun?" "Okay, but keep it a secret Okay?" "Sure" me, and Naruto-kun answered

"It says secrets of the Mangekyō Sharingan, such as instructions on how to obtain it, and its ability to control the tailed beasts" "Tailed beasts?!" Naruto-kun said surprised and frightened "Yea...'mumble' You should be careful from him" "Who?" He asked " Itachi " "Stupid Tachi!" I said frustrated "Why do you call him that" Sasuke-kun asked me "Dunno a Nickname?" He turned away for some reason
Werid... I thought

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