"Kie? You coming?" asked John B turning to look at Kie who still didn't seem to hear anything.

She shaked her head without anymore details and countinued to move the stick in the sand. John B noded even if Kie probably wasn't even paying attention to him.

"We should meet tomorrow morning at Heyward's and take the boat towards Charleston and change the gold into moneys" he said before following Sarah.

Now it was only me and Kie.

Something I was waiting for since we finally left that plane but right now, when it finally happend, I felt nervous and worried.

I didn't even know what I was worried for but I knew that this was too good to be true.

"Maybe we can go check the Chateau?" Kie suddenly asked breaking the silence and snapping me out of my thoughts.

What was even there to see?

All that was left from the Chateau were the hammocks, their tree and some burned furniture. But I didn't say I don't wanna go.

It's not like we had anywhere else to go.

"Alright" I said following Kie.

Neither of us said anything on the away there. We just walked in silence and I was glad Kie couldn't read his mind.

All I could think about was if this is the right thing. I felt like being happy right now was a selfish thing.

And it was hard as hell not to be happy when I finally kissed Kie.

But at the same time I couldn't be happy.

Not when the only thought in my head was that I'm gonna ruin her too.

She has a future, she even had a family, she's gonna countinue school, do something smart, she could be with someone who's not as fucked up as I am, she could be with someone her parents would like and with someone who could introduce her to his parents.

Damnit I didn't even have parents to introduce her to. I didn't even had a place right now.

I didn't realise we got to the Chateau until Kie stopped.

What once was John B's home, no fuck this, this was all of our home, was now just some burned funiture and broken windows.

Kie was the first to move, she slowly got in what once was the living room looked around like she was searching for something. I followed her slowly, looking around and trying to recognise anything.

I couldn't tell if that was the chair me and John B broke while playing pirates or the one John B jumped on, breaking one leg.

"I think my ukuleles burned in here" Kie said moving with her legs some burned funiture they couldn't recognise but I thought it was a part of the table.

"Right before I wanted to ask you to teach me how to play" I joked trying to light up the mood a little.

"I'm planning on getting a new one, don't worry" she said turning towards me with a small smile.

We kept looking around between burned funiture and objects, trying to sort some good stuffs but we couldn't find anything.

I still couldn't believe that the only place I could call home burned down. I remembered all the times I'd come here when my dad was drunk enough to not notice me and forget everything the next day.

Me and John B would play all the stupid games that existed, sometimes we would arrange all the chairs and pillows on the floor, trying not to touch the floor. Or when big John would come home with all the craziest things and souvenirs he'd get for John B and most of the times for me too.

In between//JiaraWhere stories live. Discover now