(Chapter 1) You have caught my eye-

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 (Oh also my writing style may change IDK? I accidentally do it sometimes so don't judge thanks!)


New school... *Sigh* I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYONE! This is just great... And apparently they have dorms in this school. My foster parents said its a good education... (The reason i have foster parents is because my Dad is in hospital he is pretty mental. But he gets let out next year! Only for a month or so cause we need still information if he is stable enough to be let out . Why is he there? Cause he was an Alcoholic who beat me and my Mum to basically death, then my Mum could not take the pain anymore so she tied up a noose and hung herself in the closet. I know, dark-) (I was adopted when i was 7 and I am 17 now so 10 years.)

(Make sense??? I hate describing shit)

So anyway moving on from my mentally insane parents and time to pack my stuff for                high school. (Since you know I am moving into my dorm.)

(Time skip to the outside of the school cause i am lazy) Please don't complain that I am lazy we all have been in life.

As i Exit the car I see My Mum (Foster Mum i think you got it) crying and she gets out of the car and hugs me tightly.

Ein: "Muuuuuuum!~ Stop your embarrassing me~"

F Mum: "In front of who? Its Mid-day, Everyone is in class."

(Ein is having his first day tomorrow he is just unpacking his stuff into his dorm room. And BTW its halfway through the year when Ein joined this school.) 

Ein: "I know but-"

F Dad: "No buts! We love you so much and want the best for you!"

Ein: "Yeah, yeah I know. Love you guys too."

I grab my things and head into the school.


Ein: "BYE MUM!" I walk into the school and head to the Principal office. He gives me the dorm key and takes me to the dorm.

Principal: "Here is your dorm. Oh and you have a roommate, everyone here does so don't feel to out of place. And i bet they will make you feel right at home."

Ein: "T-thanks I am sure they will." I say as the principal walks off.

I enter the room to see one half of it is full of blue furniture and pictures of their family on the wall. Looks like I am sharing with a guy who loves the colour light blue and sheep? Odd... Oh well I love blue too so i guess we have one thing in common. I go to my side of the room there is the furniture that got moved in this morning. I guess all I have to do is decorate and put sheets on my bed. ( Later )

Ein: "There, finished! Now what to do-" I look over to my roommates side.

Ein: "He won't mind if I have a little look around right?"

 I walk over to his side of the room and look at his bed. Its light blue and on his side table there is a sheep plush. He is definitely a   sheep-atic. I then look over at his desk, no lap top? OH! Right he needs it for school. Oh Blue pens and one has a sheep topper on it, jeez he loves sheep. I look down at his family photo. Its Him, a younger boy a woman around the same height as him and a Tall man like above 6 feet? I don't know. I pick it up and look at it with a smile then i hear a door open it startle and drop it i am so glad it didn't break. I look at the boy he walks in the room dropping his bag to the floor, He looks at me strangely, and I can't help but notice his sparkly teal eyes and blushing face. "Did I do something?" I mumble then I feel my cheeks heat up in response.

Hello Senpai~ (Yandere Pierce) Ein x Pierce 18+Where stories live. Discover now