Never-Ending Nostalgia

Start from the beginning

"Yeah I'd give you one too but I'd rather not smell like sweat, thank you!" I joked, shoving Garreth.

"Your head would be pulp if I wasn't so sweaty, Grace!" He retorted, laughing. I noticed the blond girl eyeing our interaction with a strange expression.

"And it's a pleasure to meet you, Pepper," I smiled and extended a hand in the girl's direction. She smiled back and I was taken off guard by her radiance. She was quite beautiful, large blue eyes sparkling in the midday sun.

"A joy to meet you as well," she spoke with a subtle Germanic accent. Even as Pepper addressed me, her eyes flicked back up to Garreth. "I cannot wait to play with you all."

"Have you met Garreth yet, Pepper?" I gestured toward the ginger-haired giant. She shook her head, eyes wide as she stared up at Garreth.

"Pleased to meet you, Pepper," Garreth stuck out a sweaty, dirty hand toward her delicate and petite pale one. I felt a twisting in my heart as she nervously placed her hand in his.

Not one of jealousy. More of... concern.

"Likewise, Garreth," The pretty blonde's voice was meek.


I swung around and saw my favorite people barreling towards me from the edge of the pitch. I waved, dropping my broom and jogged out to meet them.

"I'm so happy for you!" Poppy reached me first and leapt onto me, wrapping me in a tight hug. There were tears in her eyes. "Oh, I'm so happy for you! I can't believe you did it! Oh god, you smell-"

"Are you dripping wet?!" Natty interrupted, hugging me after Poppy stepped away.

"Yes, I am actually," I laughed, feeling a slight shiver run through me as the lake water had started to cool.

"I expect that can't be good for you health," Ominis's sly smile graced me. I giggled and leapt on the boy, locking him in a giddy hug. He groaned and instantly complained of the offensive lake-odor.

"I think winning is good for everyone's health."

I let go of Ominis and looked at the source of the statement. Sebastian was smirking at me with that devilish expression of amusement that so often crossed his features.

"It certainly is," I felt warmth creeping into my cheeks as his amber eyes caught mine.

"Come here," he grunted before stepping forward and pulling me into his arms. I screamed as he lifted me and swung me in a circle. "My best friend? Gryffindor Seeker? Not surprising at all!"

I leaned my head back in laughter as he placed me back on the ground.

"Ew Sebastian, now you smell like lake water too," Poppy pinched her nose.

"No matter," he was still watching me with that roguish grin.

"You are ever so impressive, Hads," Natty smiled. "Please, tell us how it happened!"

I recounted the adventure to my companions, unable to contain my excitement as I described Garreth's quick-witted skills saving me from permanent brain damage, facing off against the blond contender for Seeker, and my brief dive beneath the waves to capture the Golden Snitch. My cheeks were hurting from smiling this much. The whole situation still felt unreal. The fact that I would be Gryffindor Seeker felt unbelievable... but it was true.

"Really brilliant Hadley," Poppy was beaming. "I'd never expect less from you."

"Thank you," I smiled. "I'm really pleased."

"So does this mean we're opponents now?" Sebastian joked.

"You haven't even been to Tryouts yet, Sebastian!" Poppy quipped.

"Well we all know I'm the best Beater in Slytherin, right Ominis?" Sebastian replied.

Ominis rolled his eyes. "Imelda will lose it if she has to spend mandated time with you."

"What's that mean, Gaunt? Imelda likes me!"

"If Imelda likes you then I'm a potted Mandrake," Natty giggled.

I watched my friends broke out into animated debate before me with a feeling of contentment.

It was so odd, this year. My heart had been pulled in so many different directions. Moments of joy, elation, and merriment mingled with memories fear, anger, and worry. Would the year continue like this? Like a rollercoaster of emotion? Or would things settle out into a gentle calm I so dearly craved?

Given Sebastian and my discovery in Cragcroft, I doubted a school year of serenity was in the near future. So I cling, desperately, to moments like these where for a just a brief second I can finally feel normal. There was so much beauty and bliss wrapped into the fleeting instance of watching my friends argue over nothing on a pretty August Saturday.

I wished these moments would never end.

"Hadley, you're shivering."

Ominis's concerned voice was gentle as he approached me, pulling his wand out.

"Exaresco," Ominis whispered, waving his wand over my robes. Instantly, my clothes and hair were dry and warm.

"Thanks Ominis, " I smiled.

"You alright, Hadley?"

Something about the hushed tone of Ominis's voice, the gentle way he prodded at my wellbeing, created a lump in my throat.

"I'm... I'm fine, Ominis," I lied. "I just... feel very happy to have you all."

"Hadley," Ominis's voice was low. "Whatever you're worried about, we will get through it together."

I swallowed, meeting beautiful unfocused grey eyes.

"Are you sure, Ominis?" I breathed shakily.

"I promise," he insisted. "I will never leave your side, Hadley."

A strange, inexplicable tightness plagued my heart.

"Ominis, I-"

"Oi! Who's hungry?! I'm ready for lunch!" Sebastian's boisterous yell made me jump. Natty and Poppy enthusiastically echoed his statement.

I flashed a small smile at Ominis as we re-joined Natty, Poppy, and Sebastian, surprised at the hint of disappointment I felt at not being able to finish my conversation with Ominis.

Well, I guess all good things have to come to an end.



Hi! I just wanted to leave you guys another note and say thank you!! Thank you for reading this story especially thank you if you've made it this far!! I wanted to let yall know that I usually update about 2-3 times a week but I kinda slowed down to once a week since I am currently in finals season for nursing school and have been studying a lot. I have my last final next week and then my update schedule will resume to the normal a few chapters per week :) just didn't want you guys to think I am abandoning the story!

Thank you readers !! <3

- Lily's Pen

In The Shadows // A Sebastian Sallow FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now