Never-Ending Nostalgia

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Triumphant and grinning, I landed, drenched, on the green of the pitch with an arm stretched up to the sky. Between my fingers flittered the shiny Golden Snitch, my elusive treasure and the signal for the Quidditch match to end. Katarina Lupin's whistle pierced the air, mingling with cheers and applause from the stands.

"Impressive, Grace," Katarina said as she landed before me and sized up my waterlogged appearance. The remaining players gathered around us. "Seems like you were willing to go the lengths to capture the Snitch. That's just the type of player we're looking for."

My heart pounded as Katarina approached me. She held out a hand, palm up, and gestured for the Snitch. I beamed and placed the little ball in her palm. It cooed before folding up complacently. She walked away to huddle for a moment with the Gryffindor team members, passing the Beater, Jasper, the Snitch.

I'd caught the Snitch... could they still not want me on the team? I hadn't even thought of that dreadful possibility yet. Katarina seemed pleased with something as she turned around and grinned at me. I straightened, nervous.

"Welcome to the team, Seeker," she smiled, extending her hand for the second time. I shook it, a warm wave of happiness flooding my system.

"Thank you," I breathed.

"As for the rest of you," Katarina shouted as she dropped my hand. "Line up!"

I moved away from the group, my heart still a frantic, joyful staccato. Gripping my broom, I watched the lineup of jersey-wearing hopefuls standing attentive before Katarina's severe inspection. She paced before them, the silence electric with anticipation. Behind her, the Ravenclaw members and Gryffindor teammates boxed up equipment and muttered amongst themselves.

"The following players step forward," Katarina demanded. I held my breath as Katarina crossed her arms.

"Nellie Oggspire!"

Nellie anxiously stepped forward.

"Pepper McEwen!"

A girl with long platinum braids I'd never seen before joined Nellie.

"Garreth Weasley!"

A sweaty and panting ginger joined the duo.

"The three of you," Katarina paused for dramatic effect, "have been selected to join Gryffindor's team."

I squealed with joy as Nellie laughed, hugging the blond girl, and Garreth whooped.

"Nellie, Pepper, you two will be our new Chasers. Excellent display of coordination and communication today," Katarina said. "And as for you Garreth, I have never witnessed fresh blood so adept with a club. Congratulations to our new Beater."

Garreth, Pepper, and Nellie all expressed their gratitude profusely as Katarina dismissed them to join me. She started to thank the other Gryffindors for their performances but I could hardly pay attention as I was shaking with excitement at the prospect of my new teammates.

"Garreth! Nellie!" I exclaimed, dropping my broom and wrapping Nellie in a tight hug as she joined me.

"Hello Seeker," Nellie laughed, embracing me. "Though I shouldn't be surprised, you were so competent at catching those shifty Daedalus Keys! Hadley, you're soaked!"

"Oh, sorry about that. The Snitch took me for a little swim," I shook my head, sending droplets flying as Nellie giggled and backed up.

"Oi! Watch it Seeker!" Garreth flashed a crooked grin, hooking me around the shoulders with an arm and squeezing me. "I'd give you a real hug but I'd rather not smell like lake water."

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