Chapter 26

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Mama calls mid-morning, assuring me she's okay but will be in London a few days longer to receive Papa's things. It's with sadness I hang up the phone, but I'm soon swamped under with customers, and don't have much time to dwell on it. I prefer it this way. Keeping too busy to sit and be sad. And I can't help but feel that without John around, that's all I would be doing.

When closing time finally comes around, it's with a sigh of relief I flip the sign on the door and remove my apron. Thankfully, nobody had been too upset about the bread being late this morning — and infuriatingly, John's bread turned out almost as good as Mama's.

I refuse to look at him as he grins at me while we walk down Watery Lane.

"What was it that man said?" John asks. "Something about a beautiful, fresh loaf?"

"It's just because it was still warm at eleven," I grumble.

He wraps a playful arm round my shoulders. "Aw, don't be mad. You're still better at decorating the fruit tarts."

"I'll decorate one across your face again if you keep gloating."

"Please do. It tasted beautiful."

"Your eyes didn't seem to think so," I say, in reference to how red and bloodshot they still are.

He says, "Small price to pay."

He opens to door to his home, and as soon as we've stepped past the betting shop section, the kids appear clamouring at our knees.

"Miss March!" They shout.

"Is anyone in the mood for fairy cakes?" I ask, holding up the paper bag of leftover food we've brought with us.

Florence sprints through to the dining table, where she sits neatly at a seat and folds a napkin in front of her, waiting expectantly.

John bursts out into laughter. "Are you sure you're my daughter, manners like that?" He asks, kissing her on the head.

William tugs on my sleeve, and I bend down as he whispers into my ear, "There's more slugs on the vegetables. We need to build more houses."

Katie and George nod wide-eyed in agreement.

"Hmm," I say, frowning. "I have an idea."

"Where have you been all night?" Polly asks John, dusting her hands against each other as she enters the room.

"Working," he says.

Her eyebrows raise. "Your brothers tell me you weren't with them."

John glances at me, and I can see the unspoken question he's asking. Am I comfortable divulging this?

"He was at my house," I tell Polly. "I'm sorry, we should have called. My mother had to go to London late last night, and John promised her he would stay and help out."

Polly presses her lips together and turns away, bringing a cigarette to her lips to hide whatever expression she's fighting. "I see. Well, you've got to go with Arthur tonight, he can't be paying off— I mean, dealing with the guards on his own," she says. "March can stay here with me."

"A sleepover?" Katie asks me, her eyes lighting up as she bounces on her feet.

"Sounds good to me," I smile at her. "Now, we need some supplies for our project in the garden. Would you like to come to the store with me?"

In a babble of commotion, all the children rush to get their coats, hats and shoes on. John catches Florence at the last minute, wiping crumbs and icing from her hands and face.

"What's this project?" He asks me.

"It's a secret, daddy," Katie sighs.

"Yes, daddy, it's a secret," I repeat.

March // John Shelby x Reader - Peaky BlindersWhere stories live. Discover now