Chapter 6: A New Year

Start from the beginning

"Permanently? I don't intend to. England is my home now. I love this country, and its people. In five to six years I hope to become a British citizen."

Mycroft monitored the conversation carefully, ready to jump in should his mother go too far. Sophia, however, had asked him to give her a chance at handling herself before he stepped in. They had discussed her long-term plans for remaining in England previously. It was six months into their relationship, a year after moving to England, that she'd voiced her desire to one day become a citizen. As it stood, she'd have to wait till she'd lived in the UK for at least five years and become considered a permanent resident. However, he knew there were other options—one that he'd hoped might be an eventual option.

"I see," his mother said, slightly warmer in her response. "I'm preparing snacks for the celebration later; would you assist me?"

Sophia smiled. "Of course, Mrs. Holmes. I'd be happy to."

Mycroft watched as his mother turned and headed for the kitchen. His father glanced up at him with raised eyebrows, as if to express his equal hope that things would go well. "I'll help you with the luggage, son," he said before taking one of the bags from Mycroft's hands.

"That is Sophia's—it should go to the guest room."

"I had assumed it was hers, based on its color. Last I checked you weren't fond of carrying around purple luggage."

Mycroft smirked. "No, but you'll soon learn that Sophia is fond of anything purple."

"I see. She seems very kind, Mycroft, just as you said. Seems to be able to handle herself well, also."

"Yes, she's very capable, and also very kind. I believe Mummy may have met her match," Mycroft said quietly as he followed his father up the stairs to the rooms.

"Hmm, should be interesting."


That night Sophia sat comfortably next to Mycroft on the sofa, his arm around her shoulders, her hand resting gently on his knee. His parents sat in chairs opposite as they all watched the London New Year's show. As the 10 second countdown began, Mycroft watched as Sophia's lips ghosted the count. As Big Ben struck midnight and the fireworks began, her eyes went wide, and even more so when after about thirty seconds the music began in full force. She gasped in a breath as her eyes took in the sight.

He squeezed her hand and leaned down. "Happy new year, love."

She smiled and pulled her eyes away from the screen long enough to look up at him. "Happy new year, Mycroft."

"Perhaps next year," he whispered to her as he looked back to the screen with her, "we could watch live from the city."

Her eyes lit up. "That would be amazing. It's—amazing."

"I'd forgotten that you worked New Year's Eve as well last year and missed this."

She nodded, but her eyes now remained transfixed on the screen. "It's remarkable," she whispered. "It reminds me of..." she faded out.

As songs changed her smile only grew wider. Mycroft saw in that moment a bit of child-like wonder and joy in his girlfriend and determined in that moment that come hell or high water, next New Year's Eve, he would have the best seats available for her to watch the show. He was so proud of her. Just as he'd hoped and dreamed, she'd won over his mother in a remarkable feat.

He saw the tears pooling in her eyes as the previously high rpm music went to classical/operatic. She felt everything deeply, and it was that deep emotion that had 'cracked his shell' as John Watson had once described it. Then as the music went back to an electronic fast beat, he smiled as her toes, fingers, and head all seemed to find the rhythm of the music.

The American Fire that Melted the Ice Man (Mycroft Holmes x OC - BBC Sherlock)Where stories live. Discover now