I awake again, this time to soft linens and a comforting hand to hold onto. I squint through the blinding pain and the setting starts to come into view: recovery girl's office. Right, probably should have guessed this is where I'd end up.
At least it's not my bones this time... I hope. I honestly have no clue what happened. One minute I was conscious, the next I was waking up on the ground and crying out in excruciating pain in a state that could apparently frighten even the great and powerful Katsuki Bakugou. I glance down at the hand holding mine.
"Midoriya! You're awake!"

I glance around the room. Recovery girl is busy filling out paperwork at her desk, todoroki is sitting next to my bed, his hand holding mine, making me blush. There is however one distinct absence in the room.
"Where's Kacchan?"
"Oh. After he carried you here he want to go tell Aizawa, who then had him call your mom. Apparently she was pretty distraught but couldn't leave work so Aizawa gave Bakugou the day off to go talk to her and calm her down."
"Oh no, my mom is gonna kill me!  And, Kacchan called my mom?!  Kacchan's gonna kill me! I'm so dead!?!" My words transpire into what I assume must be incomprehensible mutters.
"And Kacchan is missing school because of me, and mom is stressed and- oh no! Todoroki is missing school because of me too! Iida is probably so disappointed in me. And what if all might finds out? What am I gonna do then? I was supposed to train with him after school! And they told Aizawa? Why him of all people?!"
Apparently that last bit was just loud enough for Todoroki to hear...
"Well yeah, I mean we had to tell Aizawa or he would have gotten suspicious."
My face turns bright red in embarrassment. Why? Why do I always have to be such a failure! Now I've made everyone worried and messed everything up. Great! Just great..
"Who else knows about this?" I squeak out, praying to whatever god may listen to spare me the indignity of mass humiliation.
"Just Aizawa, Bakugou, Recovery girl, Nezu, and your mom"
I take a deep sigh of relief. Thank goodness damage control is going to be at a minimum. That being said, I just so happened to alarm the most perceptive people in my life so chances of getting through the semester hiding my unhealthy coping mechanisms are exponentially lower.
At least All might doesn't know yet. That's the most important part. I can't show him this weakness. I'm the chosen one. I have to be strong enough. The fate of the world depends on it.

I can still hear his words swimming through my head
"I'm disappointed"
"you're supposed to be better than this"
"you'll never be a true hero"
I spiral into a never ending cycle of self loathing and doubt. I think Todoroki tries to speak to me but I can't hear him. All I can focus on are the voices in my head.
"You're lucky I'm giving you a second chance after that little stunt you pulled in middle school"
"Hero's have to be strong, you can never show your true emotions like that, not to anyone."
"I can't believe I'm giving a cry baby like you a shot, so you better earn it."
I feel the familiar sting of tears against my cheeks.
I'm on the verge of complete mental collapse when a familiar gentle voice pulls me from my spiral.

"Hello again dear, I'm pleased to see you don't have any broken bones this time, but you really ought to take better care of yourself young man."
Ah yes, the typical recovery girl lecture.
At this point her voice is almost as prevalent in my mind as my own mother's. As much as dealing with the physical consequences of one for all sucks, I do appreciate the conversations I get to have with recovery girl while I wait for my bones to put themselves back together. She has a warm aura about her, one that's instantly calming. It's probably the closest thing I've ever had to therapy... aside from that one week long stay in the psych ward after I woke up from my mini coma, but so much has changed since then that it feels like lifetimes ago. Not like I could really get help after that since all might would have killed me if he found out I needed help dealing with my emotions. He already hated me enough when I came back from the hospital, some things are just easier to deal with when you slap a fake smile on your face and save the breakdowns for time spent behind closed doors. I guess that is a perk of never sleeping, you get to experience time on a different level. You get 2 times the amount of conscious experiences. It sucks constantly being tired, but when all your dreams are horrific nightmares anyway it's honestly preferable.

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