Slowly I get bored. Thanks to my ADHD, I have to do something otherwise ... pray for my surroundings. 




2- *Bang

We both sit instantly straight up. "Holy macaroni!" - We say in the same time. "Argh! They're so annoying!" - Nic says while let himself fall back on the couch but only for a few seconds before he really stands up and walks to the door. 

"And nevertheless you open THEM the door ... " - I whistle and take another bite of this delicious bar. Nic just sends me a 'Are you kidding me?' look and I, how honestly I am, respond with a 'Absolutely' Look. He rolls his eyes and I would say: karma is a real bitch. I shout so loud like he last time - "DoN't RoLl YoUr EyEs!"

He jumps from my suddenly scream, likely because he's so tense for the meeting in a few second, but nevertheless doesn't turn around, just shows me the lovely finger. I smirk still not making an effort to move.

Lazy bitch. 

Oh shut up Annoying Lisbeth, now it gets interesting: Nic is about to open the damn door. On that, a bite from my bar. 

Damn is this good. We definitely must produce more from that flavor. Ohh have I forgotten to mention that we also own gyms with, of course, our own equipments include protein things too. 



*Knock followed from shouting from Alessandro? When did he get here- oh right the 2 hours are over. Man, I'm really forgotten. "If you both don't open that door in the next se-" Nic opens the door and make everybody especially Alessandro jumping by his movement. Ahahahahaha now gets really interesting. Has somebody popcorn?


Leonardo and I arrive at home at the moment, calm again. The speaking and brainstorming with my older brothers was very helpful and I'm glad that they all always understand what I say and offer me their help instantly. Despite from private or business things. 

Wow, now we get emotionally. But the day was long and nerve taking, nevertheless I'm happy that my youngest brother and my principessa are back and from the reaction from my brothers, I can say: They are more than glad too. 

The last years were horrible for everybody. Not only the loose from them, I practically raise them, but also the fact that my father just gave up on us or was not 'able' to be there for us. I was fucking 15 and raised my younger brothers, and after I became 18, I got also their guardianship. From everybody. Luckily Riccardo took over the mother role because I'm since the Nes' kidnapping not able to show anybody, except of Ric, my feelings. 

I checked and still check on everybody in the evening when they're asleep, to make sure that they are okay. Only then, I cry in my room. Alone. Hard and let out all my emotions. Show my weak side. Broken side. 

"If you both don't open the door in the next minute, we'll break it down!" - Georgio shouts suddenly trough the whole house. I exchange one look with Leo and we hurry to the direction. Up the stairs we're welcome by the view of all our brothers in front of ... Nic' door?

Georgio, Damon and Riccardo are exactly in front of it, Valentino and Silvio are watching everything from the wall opposite the room and Damian and Niccolo are just standing in the hallway. What's going on?

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