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"I see it!" Olympia's shout of delight overpowered that of the men talking. Everyone rushed to the ridge to look, spotting the smoke and some town houses roofs in the distance. Sunnyside was one of the biggest cities in the Evergreen Kingdom, having a castle as big as the one in Everson. "What a grand view!" Tents around the city had popped up, most likely supporting the troops that had gathered down south as well as any fighting survivors of the Everson Castle attack.

Myself never being to this place before, and Princess Seattel who had only been here as a very small child, gazed out across the area. The Princess breathed deeply, as if taking in the scene and the freshness of Gem-free territory. Storm clouds loomed overhead and I could tell they were ready to burst. I hope we did not have to walk in the rain.

"Let us continue walking!" Sir Harring directed the group loudly, motioning towards the city. We should get there within the hour!" A cheer erupted from the men and getting a second wind in their step, marched down the ridge and toward the city. The wind seemed to push us forward.

Sir Harring was right and within the hour we marched through the city gates and towards the castle. Villagers exited their homes and shops and watched as we walked, smiles on their faces. Night was beginning to fall and a few men stumbled on the loose bricks. Princess Seattel also lost her footing.

I reached out and steadied her, holding onto her arm gently.

Sir Coulee had grabbed her other arm. I kept my face neutral and nodded thanks towards the man, inwardly glaring at his quick reaction.

"Thank you." Perhaps Princess Seattel was talking to both of us and not just Sir Coulee. Yet, she smiled at him.

I turned around from the sounds of happy chatter and saw Olympia practically skipping down the path. She had declared before how excited she was to be going to a castle, something she only would dream of back in her farming village.

The castle was enormous, although not as grand as the one back in Everson. There were vines tangling their way up the castle bricks and painted glass windows with beautiful images in the walls. The lanterns had been lit and cast shadows along the castle walls, causing them to look even bigger than what they were.

"Your majesty!" A knight rushed forward out of the castle and bowed before the Princess. His green cape fluttered perfectly behind him, showing his long life as a knight. "We are so grateful that you are alive and well!" His gray hair was noticeable, even with the fading light. "I am Sir Spoka, the head knight here at Sunnyside Castle. I last saw you when you were a child." A few more knights had come through the castle doors as well and were now bowing in front of the soon to be Queen.

"Rise," Princess Seattel instructed. The men rose from the cobblestones and awaited further instruction. "We have a lot to discuss," the Princess informed the knight. "But first, let us get these soldiers situated." She motioned behind her toward the group of men.

"Indeed," he agreed. "I have assembled the troops outside the city and set up a few tents for any more fighting men that have retreated from the Everson Castle." As the man began to explain a huge list of tasks and assignments that needed to be done the next day, Olympia poked my arm.

I ignored it.

She poked it again. "Washeen!" she whispered. I sighed and turned to look at the girl, knowing if I ignored her again she would just continue poking me. She motioned toward the Princess. "Would it not be better for her to rest so she has a fresh mind to start tomorrow?"

I looked back at Princess Seattel and noticed that although she was holding her head up high and walking how royalty would, there was a slight weariness to the way she was moving and the smile she gave the head knight. My own feet and legs were hurting and I was used to standing all day.

Guard of the Evergreen PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now