IX | Man Crush

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"binnie, that's amazing! who is he?! oh my god! this is so exciting!" jisung squealed excitedly.

"that's the thing, sung... it's one of your friends..." changbin whispered.

chan's head practically spun to look at him.

"what the fuck?!" chan shouted once again.

jisung sat there with a huge smile on his face.

"ah, what?! which one?! is it minho?! oh you'd adore him- or is it felix?! oh my god-"

"it's felix... i've seen him around school a lot and i couldn't help but notice how... literally ethical he is and-"

jisung screamed but was immediately shut up by chan.

"shut up, you want to get caught?!" chan whisper shouted through his teeth.

"that doesn't matter to me right now, chan! what matters is that i need to get those two together asap!" jisung said excitedly, clapping his hands.

changbin had a small smile on his face as he just shrugged at chan.

"how long did you know?! are you like fully gay or are you like bi? pan? uh-"

"pansexual... probably..." changbin said shyly.

jisung bit his bottom lip, stopping himself from exploding from joy.

"now that i think about it... you guys would look so cute together! like- cute and scary! ah, that's so cliché! can you tell i'm loving this so much!" jisung giggled.

changbin just nodded his head.

"i can't believe i'm the only straight one here, right now. i feel so outnumber and intimidated. you guys suck with your weird guy fetishes." chan scoffed and crossed his arm, now another cigarette in between his lips.

jisung rolled his eyes.

"fuck you, chan. why don't you join us then? i mean... minho's single-"

"no fucking way, jisung. don't try to insult me like that." chan said sternly.

jisung gasped.

"are you kidding me?! minho is the definition of perfection, chan! if you don't find that man attractive, your taste is awful! and don't say 'i'm straight, why would i find him attractive' he is attractive to every eye- changbin, tell him you find minho attractive!" jisung said quickly.

changbin scoffed.

"of course i find him attractive, he's beautiful. chan don't lie." he laughed.

chan just rolled his eyes and inhaled more of his cigarette.

"let's stop talking about this. this isn't about me anyway." chan said, immediately dismissing the conversation.

jisung just cocked an eyebrow and shrugged his shoulders.

"whatever. so, bin. what do you like about felix? do you want to date him or is this just some crush?" jisung asked, finally taking his cigarette in his mouth again.

changbin hummed as he was thinking.

"i think that he's absolutely gorgeous and i've noticed how much he cares about you and minho... i see how confident he is and how he's compassionate and isn't afraid to go against someone... i just think that he's literally amazing." changbin said shyly, his face heating up slightly.

jisung gasped.

"jesus, bin! it sounds like you're in love with the boy!"

changbin's eyes widened.

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