Chapter 9: Second examen, and the Cursed team finally reunited. ;P

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     I disappeared from the sand back home, collapsed on my bed and fell asleep, seeing the soft and gentle face of my Former Big brother, and his death, in which, I could do nothing but watch painfully as he got killed to protect the village. Im woke up many times, crying and shouting, whitdrewing in pain.

I was being tortured by my uselessness in my previous lives.

Damn you, God.... Damn you,....... dad.....


    I woke up next day to my window crashing. I groaned and turned my head to Anko. She smiled broarly at me as I growled and glared. Not even here, she could use door. I guess the Hokage is the only one she respect enough. With a sigh I let her help me up and forced her to leave by the door before changing quickly back again to my ANBU gear and fallowed her outside, my mask fixed in place. Caterïa and Banji joined me fallowed by my twins, gift of the moon. They both hadd silver hairs and dark blue eyes. They were under my orders, my team. I nodded at them, smiling under my mask. I was happy to have them back. The twins were really important to me, as much as Cat and Banji. They were my familly trought ages, never let me down no matter what I was an where I was, what I did and what I didn't do. They never judged me and only saw me as a friend, a sister even. As we walked, we passed next to the Suna team. As best as I could, I ignored Gaara while they feeded me on the things that I missed while protecting the young Kyubi, my young nephew. Apparently, Orochimaru had been abnormally calm and, some even said, disapeared from the face of the world. This was no good. I told them to keep their eyes open for the second part, that we must at all cost protect the sharingan bearer, that he's our prioryty. I told Banji to moph and stand with Anko while Caterïa and Mangetsu, the oldest, would go around and Shingetsu and I, the youngest of the twins, would fallow team seven to make sure they don't face Orochimaru. I gave them order to intervinne only when really needed, when no one was around to see them, and bring all bodies and people too hurt to the tower for more treatment. They were going to be eleminated, but their life would be saved. If Orochimaru was sawn, contact the others in all urgency and to not fight him alone.

“Understood? If you see anything out of ordinary, report immediatly. I count on you for that one, for we will be all five alone in that forest unless renfort are needed or Anko joins. And even, we are one short since Banji as to watch Anko herself. So I want highest prudence, no mistake at all. Flawless, as much as possible. This is not a S-Ranked mission for nothing, some people out there are really dangerous if you do not count Orochimaru. Like Gaara. As much as it pains me to say, he's unstable. Better keep a good eye on that red-head. Am I clear?”


“Good. Now, we are to be there soon. I beg you, please be careful. I could not bear losing one of you. And you tend to be a little recless these times around, Mangetsu. I'm worried.”

“Worry not my lady, I am perfectly back to my capacities. The full moon was at it's higher point yesterday, remember? I should be fine now, and if you tough otherwise you would have ordered me to stay behindd with the Hokage. And no matter how much I respect the old man, he's kind of boring.” He said somewhat joyfully.

“I'm going to ignore the insult to my -learly- grand-father and continue on with the others. So, Shingetsu, you understood that you must fallow team seven at all cost weither i'm there or not, right? The futur of Sasuke Uchiha lays in our hands, we better not mess up with that...”

“Understood my lady”

“Banji, no matter what or how, if you lose Anko for only one second, I'll show you some tricks Ibiki taugh me. It's a special request of the Hokage, and I don't want to deceive him, that's why I chose you. Shift if you need to, but fallow her and don't let her escape.”

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