"Why not?"

"She's dead. Mason killed her." He eyed me and shook his head, "How?" Great question. I shrugged, "I think she attacked him. That's how it looked at least, but I didn't see it actually happen." He nodded, strolling around the room. He didn't actually speak to anyone so I couldn't consider it "making his rounds" he simply walked. "Apollo-" I started but we were interrupted by the queen approaching us with the ring. She dropped it in my hand. "Pardon me, but what exactly is this?" She asked. I pressed my nails hard into the palm of my free hand. "It's a relic..." Apollo glanced at it intently. "It's not ancient though, it would've been catalogued." The queen pointed out. "No, it's not." I frowned, studying the object. It was more of a band than a ring. If not for the tiny gem in the center, it wouldn't have been given a second glance. I shuddered, I'd never held a relic before and I never wanted to. I frowned to think the lives that were sacrificed for it. "It was maid recently. It was made of angel blood." I said cautiously. Apollo inhaled sharply, taking the ring from my finger. "What is it for?" I shook my head. "I don't know. I don't think Aiden knew either."

"We'll know when he gets here, yes?" The queen remarked. "I hope so."

"For your sake, so do I." She cajoled, returning to her husband. All my nerves came undone in a single sentence. My eyes were then glued to the door, all there was, was the door and the people who came through it. Apollo stayed by my side, watching it just as intently. The next people to enter were Mason and my sister who stationed themselves at a table which had various foods said about it. My sister stuffed her mouth once more, smiling and laughing with Mason. It was rare to see the two getting along, or maybe I had missed it all this time, lost in my own head. The next person to enter the room was a girl with yellow hair. She wore a cantaloupe orange gown. Both Audrey and Apollo tensed upon seeing him but the purple haired girl seemed saddened by her presence. More than she had before. Then a few minutes later, Aiden entered the room, his eyes scanned the room a nervous wreck. The girl who entered before him, looped arms with him. They approached Audrey's group, and Stella embraced him in a tight hug. It was expected, they'd been separated for too long. Then, the dancing began. The music became more rhythmic and everything found themselves a partner to join the dance. People continued to pour in, so many that I almost the presence of Silas.

 People continued to pour in, so many that I almost the presence of Silas

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I started the dance with Victoria. Both our eyes glued on Silas. Audrey started with the general, but as we turned she got closer and closer to me until finally, it was our turn to dance together. She averted her gaze from mine. "What is your plan for tonight?" She asked. "I can't say," I drawled. "But know, it'll be okay." Now she met my gaze. "What do you mean?"

"I can't say." She my held my gaze for only a few moments longer, pulling away again. "I love you." I swore. "I know," she whispered. "And I love you."

A few more turns and I was dancing with Silas who seemed all too pleased to see me

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A few more turns and I was dancing with Silas who seemed all too pleased to see me. It wasn't surprising at all that he was the only one excited to be here tonight. The hall had been hosted to lure him in after all, and I'm sure he was well aware of the fact. "You're welcome." He said. I glared at him. "For?"

"For the hair. It suits you." I didn't respond to him. I was not thankful that he cut my hair, there wasn't a part of me with the capacity to see it as a blessing. I loathed that he took it from me, and while I was content with my hair now, I still missed the hair I had before. We danced in silence until the song ended and I returned to Stella's side. The center floor cleared out of all but Silas and Olivia. Aiden shouted from the back of the room, pointing towards Victoria and Mason. "They're murderers!" My eyes widened and I started to move towards them but I froze in place, my feet felt cemented to the floor. This can't be. All the time I knew Mason, I never knew him to want to hurt anyone. He was the most benevolent person I knew. Those accusations couldn't be true. The outliers exploded in commotion. Suddenly the energy in the room shifted. It was heavier, more chaotic. "They killed nurse Hannah and kidnapped me!" Stella reached for mine and Lila's hands. The Lincoln's came forward, guarding their daughters from him. "Lies!" Edward Lincoln shouted. "He turned an innocent girl to a relic!" The crowd reacted again. This time, so did I.

Silas's eyes darkened. "Oh I see," he sneered. "So this is an ambush?" Stella stepped forward but we quickly pulled her back. I found Apollo across the room, he unveiled the scythe on his back and pulled it forward. "Very clever," he admitted. "But I'm not going out like this." He met my eyes, snapped and then the room was dark and quiet for a few moments. The room was uncomfortably steady, no one spoke or even dared to move. If any a way out, we didn't dare to take it. Silas was a wildcard. I knew well enough by now not to test him or the fates on his shoulders. I stayed still and listened. The silence was eerie but it was comfortable. It meant safety. Just when it started to feel good, when I started to doubt if Silas's plan would work, there came a clawing, a thudding at the door. Then a screech cut through the silence and I prayed for quiet again.

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