chapter 2

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— that a...doll?—

She was even more confused because even when she owns tons and tons of plushies, she doesn't own any kind of toys, dolls? Maybe a couple when she was a kid but they are all back home in New Zealand.

She looked around, frightened to say the least. Maybe there is someone else inside.

She stood up and immediately grabbed her pepper spray once again, her finger ready to "fire" while she slowly walked around, looking very carefully on every corner and behind her couch, even checked the front door.

— Still locked.— She relaxed once again.

—Lisa? Lisa, are you here? If you are come out now. This isn't funny!— She yelled the name of her best friend and co-member of the group, she was in town too after all.

But still, no response, so she went back to the same spot, crouching near the little rag-clad doll in order to gently grab it. Much to her surprise, it feels soft, the clothes feel rough and dirty, but the doll itself feels really soft, warm even.

Before examining it closer, she grabbed her phone and called Lisa.

She picked up immediately.

—Hey cutie. What's up?

—Did you came to my house recently?

She wasted no time.

—What? No, I'm at my place. I just had a call with my parents. Why? Are you ok?

Lisa's response came as honest as it could be, she may be goofy and a little troll with Rosé and their unnies from time to time but she wouldn't lie about something like that, especially with how distressed Rosie sounds over the phone.

—No...I mean yes, just... I'm freaking out right now. I hear this weird sound in my kitchen and-

She then proceeded to give her friend a summary of events while still checking out the small thing in her hand which unknown to her is actually alive, just unconscious.

—So you found a ragged doll under a mug in your kitchen...and you picked it up? Rosie, that's how horror movies start!

She scolded.

—It's not raggedy, it's clothes look like that he is like a regular ken but smaller and's kinda cute to be honest, here, let me send you a photo.

She immediately removed her phone from her ear, using both hands and accidentally manhandling the "doll" in the process before holding it again, this time enveloping it with her whole hand and long and slender fingers just holding it in a loosened fist. But, when she was picking a cute filter for the photo, she noticed some movement.

Her eyes widened as it was more clear now, that small thing was breathing and  moving on its own the same way people do when waking up.

—What the...—

Their eyes crossed, both stood there, he seemed sluggish, confused for a second and then; he reacted first.

—Let me go human!—

He yelled before biting the nearest finger. Which if being honest didn't hurt Rosé at all, like barely a pinch that she could have missed if she weren't paying attention but still, the attack took her by surprise.

She let out an alarmed yelp, followed by an involuntary reflex that sent that small creature up to the air. Rosie realized what she did and quickly extended her hands in a cup position and barely managed to catch it in time before he crashed onto her table, and even managed to position herself in a way so the little body rolled down and off her hands as if they were small hills that led him to the table.

Robbie incorporated himself almost immediately and ran towards the fruit bowl in order to hide behind it, not realizing that she could still see him from above and through the small holes on the centerpiece. She on the other hand only took a step back.

—Rosé? Rosé? Rosie are you ok?—

Lisa's voice could still be heard from over the phone, now preoccupied after all that racket.

Chaeyoung quickly came back to her senses and lifted her phone.

—Y-yeah I'm ok it's just that...ahhh... I'll call you later ok?—

And she hung up, leaving her friend confused and a little mad for the sudden shutdown.

Is she dreaming? Was there something in the food she ordered? Those were the most logical explanations but, that feeling in her hand, that heat and softness plus the spot where he bit her finger, it's red, it doesn't hurt at all, but she can feel a tickle there. It's so faint and weak, even ant's hurt more.

Her expression changed from surprise to worry as she thought she might have hurt him. She felt a knot in her stomach, similar to that feeling when she steps on her dog's paw by accident.

Driven by guilt and worry, Roseanne tried to take a closer look by walking around the table. Sadly (for her) the borrower did the same, just in the opposite direction as to always keep distance and stay behind cover.

She's still worried, but this got a giggle out of Rosé as she found it cute, adorable considering she could easily lift up the centerpiece and expose him, but won't do it as it may scare him even more.

She gently cleared her throat.

—꼬맹아 겁먹게 했다면 미안해. 괜찮으세요? 내가 너를 다치게 했니? 나는 그것을 의미하지 않았다 맹세한다.— She spoke in Korean by instinct because... well, they are currently in south Korea so she thought the little guy spoke the language.

The small being looked out a corner over to her, gave her a weird look and quickly hid back.

She then remembered, before the bite, he actually said something in english. She facepalmed for her dumb brain before trying again.

—I'm sorry if i scared you little one. Are you ok? Did i hurt you? I mean no harm, i swear.—

No immediate reaction so she thought maybe she was just too scary to him? How tall er...big does she look to him? Too many weird questions popped into her mind, some dumb, other really unimportant to the matter at hand.

Then, he peeked out again.

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