The gift

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Chapter note:

On this chapter you'll find some "misspellings" in Rose's dialogue, that's on purpose since both her and Robbie are getting along, i thought that by this point her Aussie side would start showing up more on her way of speech, so yeah. I hope it's not too bad.

The day is almost over, meetings have been done, meals have been eaten, and errands have been run. The pair is currently in Rose's living room with the borrower at the top of a short coffee table while the idol is next to it on the floor, partially bent over and still towering over both the table and the small little person. She's making frustration noises while struggling with an amazon package on her hands.

She looks excited while he is curious about the package since she told him it's a surprise for him.

━Hmm...maybe I'll get scissors after ahll.━ she left it on the table in order to stand and look for the aforementioned. ━Brb.━

She then left with an earthquake that shook the table for a moment before disappearing in the distance. Meanwhile, Robbie approached the plastic bag like wrapping and examined a little bit, grabbed one of the upper sides and pulled only to let go afterwards.

- Noona, I think I can...- knowing well that his voice would never reach her, he went along with his own idea.

Robbie dropped his little cane to grab the piece of plastic once again and pulled with all his might and shifted into a better position while his right hand went down to a belt on his waist where there's a smaller object, a hilt of sorts with a handle sticking out of it; A handmade knife.

Robbie held it with one hand, keeping a steady footing, kinda hard to do with only one healthy foot. Still, he somehow managed to keep enough tension.


The pointy hand made knife slid through part of the bag.


Once again to make the cut wider and finally let go (mostly) still maintaining a slight pull. He then slowly walked all the way to the opposite side until finally, the package was open.

Well, the first part at least, since apparently, there's a box inside.

-Sorry I had trouble fin--

Chaeyoung went silent the moment she saw it open and a small little butt with the legs of the borrower sticking outside while the rest was inside. Robbie obviously heard her so he pulled out his head, a bright smile on his face.

-Look, i opened it.-

He proudly stated.

-I see that. And fastah than me, good woerk little one.-

Her footsteps caused small tremors once again as she went back to her previous seat. Her right hand went straight to pet that little head of his a couple of times before taking the package by holding it from he back with one hand and pulling out the small rectangular carton box from inside.

━So, it was hard to get, but i managed to find some clothes that are actually made of soft fahbric.-

-Fabric?- Robbie asked.

-Yes, it's the thing that most comfy clothes are made of. It's usually soft, but, the ones we got foh you are made for dohlls.-

Robbie nodded, not like she could see him anyway.

-It was uncom-uncomfortable. Felt hard, like a sponge.-

-Yes, that's because, unlike you, dohlls can't feel and don't move on their own. So their clothes are usually rough, and i realize that...I'm sorry I made you weahr those...BUT.-

The idol and the borrower Where stories live. Discover now