chapter 3

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Even if it was just a little, she could see the small person's small hair, head and face peeking over the edge of the fruit bowl.

—I'm not scared. You are scared.— He said in what was supposed to be a serious and menacing tone that to her sounded more like something a child might say in that situation.

It was just, incredibly cute thing to see and hear.

━I-i see...━

This time she suppressed the giggle, barely as she had to use her right hand to cover an inevitable smile.

━W-well you did scared me with that bite.━

The comment seemed to make Robbie happy. It's not really a lie since the little person DID took her by surprise.

Once again, Rosé crouched on the side of the table in a way that only her head and face stood over the surface. She thought this might help look less threatening or scary.

━It's just i ...i was just wondering if you were hurt with that fall right now. Or...━ She looked at the mug and quickly realized. ━This. Did this fell on you?━ She asked grabbing the object to show it to him.

He nodded.

Well, he can be honest at least, but she didn't have the time to melt in the cuteness. Now she was really alarmed and felt as if someone had hit her in the gut.

━My god, are you ok?━

How high was that? Did it fall on him because she left it there?

━Yes! i'm no weakling.━

There were a couple of things to unpack with that response alone, the main and most important to the matter being that he is a little prideful and apparently won't admit weaknesses treating the accident as if it was nothing, but it's obvious as he jumped out of his hiding place in order to "confront" her. Truth was he sprained his right ankle during that second fall and the pain got worse the moment he put more weight on his right leg.

The borrower yelped as a sharp pain shot up from his ankle and made him loose his footing. Rosé saw this and just reacted by pure protective instincts by quickly reaching towards the small being with her left hand, not to capture him, but to catch him or at least cushion his fall, and luckily she did.

Her eyes widened in surprise as she felt the little small body fall onto her long and slender fingers. It was so, so light, even lighter than when he was unconscious, if it wast for the fact that she is seeing him right now, she probably would never feel or even know that he is there.

Robbie, on the other side, was caught off guard and struggled the moment he felt the soft and warm skin, he pushed, punched even as a reflex, thinking she was about to capture him and, for the second time, rolled out from her hand onto the table and landed on his butt. Only this time it was a shorter distance and no momentum at all.

━Get back! I'm not gonna let you capture me!━ He then tried to back out causing even more strain on his ankle and thereby more pain.

━Im sorry, i'm sorry i didn't meant to scare you. I was just trying to help.━ She raised her both of her hands to show she meant no harm. ━I promise i don't want to capture you.━

Is the right leg broken? Sprained?

━Im fine! I...i just tripped because you shook everything with your heavy human body.━

Roseanne stood there, shocked.

━H-heavy? I'm not heavy!━

It's like talking to a rebellious kid, which he could be, at least behavior wise considering how stubborn he is.

━Look i can see your leg hurts, please let me- i have something that will take the pain away.━

Robbie considered it, looking directly at her face, then his leg, it stings really bad.

━Promise you won't put me in a jar to eat me?━

Rosé blinked a couple of times in disbelief and immediately shook her head. How could he think that? Well, she could not blame him really, if she was as small as he is in front of someone so big in comparison, she too would be terrified of being eaten.

━ I might eat a lot but i would never eat you or someone like you.━

And in an even more surprising turn of events; Robbie lifted his right arm and stretched his tiny little finger. It is really small for her to see it properly but there's  no mistaking the classic and unbreakable pinky promise.

She responded accordingly, with her own hand and pinky finger that, funny enough, seems to be over half his height. Interlocking their fingers was an impossible task so, instead she just  touched the smallest digit with the tip of hers.

━I promise i won't eat you, ever.━ She said with a warm smile.

After that, Robbie felt more at ease, finally lowering his guard and taking a seat in the open.

━Okay then, i'm gonna go get that thing and i'll be right back ok? Please don't move too much.━

Robbie nodded in agreement as he watched her leaving the room until he could not feel the vibrations from her steps anymore. He looked around, curious as the table looks very different since the last time he was there, it used to be almost empty, and now, let's just say there's a lot of things to use as a cover.

But one of those things caught his attention, a really big and white styrofoam container. It was faint, but his nose caught a really nice smell.

The borrower stood up and very, very slowly and carefully made his way towards it.

The idol and the borrower Where stories live. Discover now