The All Spark

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"Optimus, incoming!"

Ironhide slams his fist on the ground and some sort of energy surges through it and causes the vehicles to drift.

"Autobots, roll out!"

I watch Bumblebee come to me, he says, "be-safe." I nod and tell him the same thing. He transforms and rides away with the other autobots.

Optimus kneels down and lays his hand out for us to climb into. "Up you get." He tells us and brings us to his shoulder.

I cling to his faceplate as he runs away from the approaching helicopters and hides under a bridge. I panic a little as my grip begins to get slippery.

"Easy, Maisy." Optimus whispers.

"I'm trying." I whimper. Mikaela and Sam make a sudden move and it causes me to lose my grip. I scream as I fall off of Optimus.

"Maisy!" I hear Sam scream.

I see a flash of yellow and black and next thing I know, I'm in Bee's hand.

"I've-got-you-sweetheart." He tells me and I sigh in relief, tears stream down my face. I almost died!

The relief feeling doesn't last long, the helicopters find Bee. He sets me down and the helicopters shoot out wires and they latch onto his wrists.

"Bumblebee!" I scream as he falls on his knees. Sam and Mikaela get put down by Optimus and they grab me to pull me away but I fight against them. "No, no!"

"Stop it! Stop it!" Sam screams as they get a hold of Bee's legs. He's now on his stomach whirring in pain. He stares at me and tries reaching out to me. I cry for him.

"You're hurting him! Stop it!"

Sector seven vehicles surrounds us and we get pushed to the ground by a swat team and our hands are cuffed.

"Bee!" I scream, "he's not fighting back! Let him go!" My protests are ignored.

"Sam, they're hurting him!" I cry to my brother as they start freezing Bee. Bee looks around for me until his blue optics land on me handcuffed and crying. He whirs and thrashes around trying to get to me. It makes me cry harder.

"Bumblebee!" I scream once last time before being taken away with Sam and Mikaela.

"Happy to see me again?" it's Simmons and he's wearing a bullet proof vest and a filthy smirk on his face.

"Fuck you!" I spit on him before being shoved into the back of the vehicle. They were going to pay for what they did to my Bee. I lay my head on Sam's shoulder and sob.

Time skip!
Sector Seven

Sam, Mikaela and I exit the car to see Simmons.

"Hey kids, I think we got off to a bad start, huh?" He says. He puts a hand on both mine and Sam's shoulders. I glare and shrug his hand off of me. He says nothing and asks if we're hungry.

"We don't want food. We wanna know where our car is." I tell him.

A man with a mustache comes to stand next to Simmons. He looks at us and says, "I need you to listen to me very carefully. People can die here. We need to know everything you three know and we need to know now."

Transformers Bumblebee x reader Where stories live. Discover now