First Car

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I don't own Transformers, just my character.

Girl at the top is Maisy! Idk who she is, I found the pic on Pinterest!


Today is a pretty big day for my twin and I. Why, do you ask? Well, I'll gladly tell you. But first, introductions are in order.

My name is Maisy Witwicky. Not Wikwicky, that's how a lot of people pronounce my last name but I assure you it's WitWicky with a t not a k. Anyways, today is a big day for my twin brother, Sam, and I because our Dad told us that if we got three A's and could come up with $2,000 he'd buy us our first car!

Exciting, right? I know! Anyways, that's what brings us here, in the last class of the day. I was sat behind the two most popular people in our school. Trent and Mikaela. I despise them both. Trent is an asshole and he's always bullying Sam. Mikaela just likes him because he's got strong arms and abs. Gross.

Mr. Hosner calls for Sam to go up to the front of the glass to do his presentation which would be on our great-grandfathers glasses. I told him not to but, Sam never listens and he has to learn the hard way.

As he begins his presentation, I overhear Trent say something to one of his buddies and next thing I know he's launching a wadded up paper ball from a rubber band at Sam's face.

I glare at the back of Trent's head then I sit up and whack him. He turned around angrily and I sat with an innocent smile on my face. He scoffs and turns back around. I smirk to myself.

After Mr. Hosner fusses at the class, he tells Sam to continue and this whole thing goes on for longer than it should have. I ended up falling asleep.

Small time skip!

Sam and I did it, we got our three A's! Now it's time for us to go car shopping!

"Well, Dad. We did it. We got the money and the A's. I believe you owe us something, hmm?" Sam says once we get into our Dad's dark green convertible.

"Let me see the proof, let me see it." Dad sticks out his hand, Sam reluctantly hands over his paper that has an A- in dark red ink at the top left corner.

"It's an A- but that's still an A!" Sam says quickly and I repeat after him in a sing-song voice, "it's still an A."

Dad hands Sam his paper back and nods with approval, "all right, a deal is a deal."

"Yes!" Sam and I exclaim, I lean between the driver and passenger seat so he and I can fist bump.

I lean back in my seat and see Dad pulled into a Porsche dealership. No way.

"We're getting a Porsche?!" I scream and bounce in my seat. Childish, I know but I'm sure you all would do the same thing if your Dads got you a Porsche!

"No, way! Dad, you've gotta be kidding!" Sam exclaims just as happy as I am.

But then, Dad starts laughing. Oh, no.

"Yeah, I am. You kids aren't getting a Porsche for your first car!" Dad is full on cackling now. I roll my eyes and sink down in my seat. I should've known. Cheap bastard.

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