Robotic car

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"I'm with Maisy, bro. She's an evil jock concubine. Let her hitchhike." I didn't think I'd ever see the day when Miles and I agree on something. Wild.

"She lives 10 miles from here, okay? It's my only chance."  Sam says then looks at Miles, "you got to be understanding here, all right?"

"Okay, we'll put her in the back." Miles suggests and I look at him like he has three heads.

"She is not getting back here because I'd end up giving her a new face." I scowl.

Sam looks at me with a glare then looks at Miles, "did you just say throw her in the back?"

"I called shotgun!"

"I need you to get out of my car right now." Sam says and I intervene by adding that it's our car.

"What happened to bro's before hoes?" Miles asks and Sam becomes spastic and eventually Miles gets out of the car and Sam peels out heading towards Mikaela.

"That was a shitty thing you did." I tell Sam and I smile to myself when the seatbelt tightens around me again. It's not okay that I'm not creeped out by that anymore...

"Shut up, Maisy." Sam grumbles before rolling the window down once he pulls up beside Mikaela. Ugh.

"Mikaela! Hey, it's Sam—Witwicky." Sam keeps the car going at a slow speed to keep up with Mikaela's stride.

"I hope I didn't get you stranded or anything." He says and she ignores him, "you sure?" He repeats and she still doesn't say anything.

I growl under my breath and I go to sit up but the seatbelt tightens on me, keeping me in place.

I don't know how, because I wasn't paying much attention anymore, but Sam somehow got Mikaela to get into our car.

"I can't believe that I'm here right now." Mikaela says while looking out the window. Excuse me?!
I open my mouth to say something but like the all the times before, my seatbelt tightens so tight that I can barely breathe therefore I cannot speak. I huff and lean back in my seat again and I feel the seatbelt loosen very slowly. I smile to myself, it seems as though our car is looking out for me. Weird.

"You can duck down if you want." Sam suggests. I look at him and cringe. Lord help this boy.

"Oh, no, no. I didn't mean here with you guys. I just mean like, in this situation. This same situation that I'm always in. 'Cause I don't know. I guess I just have a weakness for hot guys. For tight abs and really big arms." Mikaela says and I kind of feel for her, the part about her always being in that situation.

"Yeah...Trent is such a douchè." I speak up. Mikaela looks awkward, and Sam is giving me the dirtiest glare.

"So," Mikaela begins after the tension that I somehow caused. Haha. "Is this your first year in school? Like, are you new?"

Oh, god. She is so dense.

"Uh, no, no. We've all been in the same class since first grade." Sam says awkwardly.

"Oh, It's Sam and Maisy, right? Wilkicky." Wow.

"Witwicky." Sam and I correct her.

"Gosh, you know what? I'm so sorry. I just didn't recognize you." Mikaela says and I roll my eyes.

Time skip!

I wake up to someone violently shaking me and whispering my name harshly. I'm pretty sure I feel spit on my face.

I open my eyes to see I'm in my room and Sam is hovering over me with a frantic look on his face.

"What?" I say. I use the heel of my palm to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"Someone is stealing our car!" Sam whisper-shouts and yanks me out of bed. I look at him like he's lost his mind. "What are you talking—" The sound of our car leaving the driveway cuts me off. My eyes open wider and I rush to my window with Sam to see that our car is in-fact getting stolen.

"Oh, shit!" I exclaim. I throw on my shoes and follow Sam down the stairs and outside.

"Dad call the cops!" Sam screams and we chase after our car on our bikes.

"Who the hell would steal our car?!" I exclaim as Sam and I match our car's speed on the sidewalk.

"I don't know! I'm calling 9-11!" Sam shouts and pulls out his phone almost dropping it in the process then he dials 9-11.

"Where are you going with our car, asshole?!" I shout.

"Hello? 9-11 emergency! My sister and I's car has been stolen! We're in pursuit, right? I need all units the whole squardon!"

"Forget the cops! We have to catch him ourselves!" I tell Sam and he reluctantly nods and puts away his phone.

We follow our car to a junk yard. Sam and I ditch the bikes and cross over some railroad tracks and crouch behind some metal tin.

What we see is something I never thought I'd ever see in my entire existence. Our car is a giant robot!

"Oh, my god." Sam and I are stunned.

"Our car is a robot, Sammy." I chuckle in amazement.

"Yeah, I see that."

We watch the robot shine the same symbol that is in the center of the steering wheel up into the night sky. Kind of like Batman.

When the light disappears, Sam yanks me down beside him and he pulls out his phone to start recording.

"My name, is Sam Witwiky. This is my twin, Maisy. Whoever finds this, our car is alive." Sam proceeds to point the camera at our robotic car then points it back to us. What an idiot...

"You saw that? Since this is my last words on Earth, I just wanna say, Mom, Dad, I love you. And if you find Busty Beauties under my bed, it wasn't mine." I give a look of disgust and slap Sam's shoulder. "Gross!" I hiss.

He ignores me and continues with his stupid video diary before I slap the phone out of his hand.

"What was that for?" He asks.

"We have bigger problems than your video documentary!" I say and point out that the robot is gone.

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