~Chapter 2~

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"I reckon if you made a head piece with this dress like a veil or some small tiara as an accessory it will make it even more elegant," I say to Christina.

I was due to meet Lauren and her fiancé soon so Christina and I were in my office. She brought her drawing stuff and was asking me for advice on her latest creation. I tuck any stray hairs into my bun. Buns just make me look more professional I think. I'm wearing a smart casual dress and wedges.

I hear the door of my shop open and I lock eyes with Christina. It's time. I take a moment to compose myself before I walk out to the open area of the shop to greet Lauren.

Christina walks out first and immediately stops in her path. I, being me smash into her stationary body.

"Christina!" I say.

I get over that shock and move to the side where I see Lauren standing with her fiancé. Okay after I see this sight I understand why Christina suddenly stopped.

"Tris! It's been absolutely forever!" Lauren says rushing over to give me a hug.

"Lauren... You look... Different..." I stammer.

"Oh my fiancé helped me get a new look," she explains.

She's different. She has blonde hair, obviously dyed because her natural colour is brown when we were in high school, she is not skinny beyond belief, she actually has flesh on her bones and her eye colour is blue which is weird because I remember them as being brown... But that wasn't the weirdest thing that I saw.

"Tris let me introduce you to my fiancé," Lauren says.

"Hi Tris," the guy says in a deep manly voice.

I know those blue eyes anywhere. Heck I looked into them for 2 years when I dated the him and said that I loved him. Lauren's fiancé was Tobias Eaton.

"This is Four, Four this is Tris," she says. I noticed she called him by his nickname, ie his football jersey number. You would think that he would have told her his real name.

"Do you really think they need an introduction?" Christina says.

"Well it's been a long time," Lauren says smiling.

"Yeah a long time since they slept tog- ow," Christina says when I subtly step on her foot.

Obviously Lauren elected to ignore that little statement from Christina, thank god....

"Um this is Christina, my wedding dress saviour," I say with a smile. It's not a genuine one....

"Hi congratulations to you both," she says with forced happiness.

"Um why don't we go into my office and we can discuss some details. Shall we?" I ask waving my hand to my office.

Lauren and Four walk inside and take a seat in the two client chairs. I was about to walk in when Christina stops me.

"She's marrying your ex!" She whispers.

"Gee I didn't realise that... Thank you Sherlock..." I say sarcastically.

"You can't plan the wedding of the guy you used to love," she says to me.

"Key words was 'used to' and plus this is strictly business," I say to her walking into the office. Christina joins me a moment later.

When we walk in I see Four admiring one of my wedding dress drawings. Oh no not that drawing that I framed. That was the drawing that got me to the design school after high school and it's the one that...

"Tris isn't this the one you were drawing when we-," he starts.

"So do you have any ideas about what you want for the wedding," I ask interrupting Four.

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