Chapter Five

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Phoebe was never appreciative of long car rides, especially not with a man who insisted on touching her every other second. Not for one moment did his hands leave her, nor did his lips. No matter what, they continued to brush her hairline and his hands continued to run up and down her arms, keeping the friction going when she shivered in the heat of the car.

"How are you so cold all of a sudden?" Dimitri murmured, his brows furrowed. "No matter. When I get you home you'll be warm."

"What if I want to be cold?"

"Don't be facetious, Phoebe. You haven't been taking care of yourself." He brushed his fingers along her jaw, tilting her chin up so her eyes met with his. "I won't tolerate that."

"And what?" She pulled herself out of his grip, scooching as far away from him as she could. "You will?"

"Yes." He pulled her back in, rubbing her arms again. "I will. And I'll do a damn good job of it too, rest assured. You won't be leaving my sight again."

"Not until you trust me?" She laughed, wrestling in his iron grip. He only rolled his eyes, adjusting her like he would an angry kitten that had let its claws out.

"Even then, baby. It doesn't matter how in love with me you are, you'll always be a little menace. But you're my little menace, so it can be excused."

The car grew quiet, the low hum of the engine filling the air, some classical music playing in the background as his fingers carded gently through her hair. Dawn broke across the way–hours had passed.

Oh, how she hated that man. Despised him more than anything. But attraction could not help but run its course as her eyes traced the firm line of his jaw, leaning into the feeling of his hands on her skin and his lips on her face.


It had to end.

"I will leave, you know," she whispered. The driver's breath hitched, but he kept his eyes forward, sometimes looking backward in the rear view mirror in worry.

Dimitri only smiled. "If you have the chance."

"Even if I don't I'll take it."

"No, you won't, little devil." He chuckled, darkness filling the miniscule space between them. "Do you want to know why, babygirl? Do you want to know why you won't even think of leaving me?"

She smirked. "Why would that be?"

"Because you won't be able to do a single thing on your own when I'm done with you." He pulled her in closer, his fingers running down her ribs. "Not without me, and you'll love every single second of it."

She scoffed, squirming away as best she could. He pulled her in roughly, holding her tightly to his chest. "What? You mean like my daddy? You're not my father!"

He groaned. "Oh, baby, I've been waiting for years for you to call me that. Say it again."

"Ugh! I'm going to puke!"

"I'll take care of that, too."

"Shut the fuck up, asswipe."

"The only name I want to hear from you is daddy, or my name. You pick, Sweetness, or I may just pop a pacifier in that mouth."


"I won't be calling you anything."

"Suit yourself. You'll be saying it soon enough, little girl." He kissed her forehead one more time as they pulled up to the house. "I hope you like the house, baby. You won't be leaving it any time soon."

Grasp of DarknessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ