Chapter Fourteen - The Stars and The Moon

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Many expensive barrels of wine and alcohol crates lined the walls of the cellar, and James couldn't help but look around curiously. The feeling that Fallon was letting him into see of her darker sides of her world, allowed pride to swell in his chest.

The light was dim, and the air smelled moist. Like the many sins that weigh on the shoulders of humanity.

A glint of a flipping knife could be spotted between the many barrels and the yellow lights hanging from the high ceiling. The knife so sharp that it sounded like the air around it was being sliced through. Fallons heels echoed on the cracked concrete, and she stepped round the corner; the torment of air stopped.

A slender tall man pushed himself off a barrel and stood up. His jet black hair scattered in all directions, clean shaven face, and eyes as dark as the night sky. They lit up, along with his smile as soon as he saw Fallon.

''Michael'' Fallon smiled back at him. Michael reached his hand for her, and leaned in to give a kiss on her cheek.

''Miss Alarie'' His deep voice trailed off. ''Looking as beautiful as ever'' He looked her up and down with a glint in his eyes, and a smirk on his face.

Fallon and Michael fooled around for a while. And she won't deny, what that man could do in the bedroom would give any woman wobbly knees. However, just like every other time Fallon got bored and decided she didn't want no more.

Michael was no exception, but he was never butt hurt ab out it. Every so often they would still hook up to satisfy their needs if the opportunity came up. Of course until she met James. Michael worked as a professional bounty hunter, and Fallon occasionally used his services when she was too busy to hunt someone down herself.

Michaels hand lingered on Fallons and James could feel his eye twitch. Jealousy brewed inside him like bile, and his hands balled into first. The thought of ripping this mans arm out of its socket played over in his mind on a loop. Another fee seconds and James was going to make that a reality.

Fallons voice brought him back. ''James, Michael'' Fallon gestured introducing them to one another. Her eyes lingered on James, they were that shade darker when he was angry. It was a clear giveaway of his thoughts, no matter how much he tried to hide it.

Michael extended his hand out for a handshake with a smirk on his attractive featured. James stepped forward and grasped it, the other hand still in his trouser pocket.

Fallon raised her eyebrow at the mental arm wrestle that was happening. She stared between the two men. Both tall, one in a suit well put together, the other more scruffy, leather jacket and ripped jeans. Two opposites, yet like looking in the mirror.

Tall dark and handsome huh... Natashas voice echoed in her head. Maybe she did have a type after all.

The situation was comical. A limp man tied up on a chair, and two Alphas having a staring contest over a woman. She thought just to let them rattle it out, but she had short attention span.

''Alright children, we can stop this cock swinging contest. I have more important things to take care off'' She took off her leather jacket, exposing the crisscross of her dress.

Both men turned to look at her at the same time, breaking the intense staring contest. Letting go if each others hand. They both flexed them attempting to get rid of the sting from overly strong and unnecessary handshake. Yet not one of them wanting to show weakness. James caught Michaels eyes as they raked over her body and he was ready to stab him.

Fallon rolled her eyes and walked over to the limp man on the chair. She tapped his cheek a few times, but only a low grunt came out of his mouth. Still alive, but not awake. Fallon sighed and placed the sole of hr heel over the crotch of his trousers and pushed down hard on his balls.

To Dazzling Darkness - Bucky Barnes x OCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu