Green Meadows

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Zayn gradually slowed his pace from a comfortable jog down to a fast-paced walk. He divagated from the narrow, beaten path that led along a meandering stream of happily gurgling freshwater, slowed his pace even further and walked onto a small clearing amidst a deciduous forest of trees.

These days, afternoons were much too hot for that sort of exercise, or any kind of activity, really.

July's sweltering summer heat not only made it difficult to breathe, but it also made you lazy. Despite possessing a great deal of self-control, even Zayn couldn't bring himself to work up a sweat when the temperatures outside were in their high thirties until late into the night, making it difficult to sleep.

No, he most definitely preferred the freshness of the crisp early morning air when the leaves were still covered with glistening drops of dew and the sun's tender rays reflected in the small spheres of condensed atmospheric vapour.

Zayn stopped in front of a big white picnic quilt and toeing his running shoes off; he stepped onto the blanket. He raised his hands above his head, stretched luxuriously, and rid himself of a few kinks in his neck, delighting in the exquisite pull in his arms and abdominal muscles.

"I thought there's absolutely nothing sexy about me in perfectly-shaped shorts, pounding through the woods long before breakfast," Zayn teased as he let his arms drop to his sides and nudged Liam's naked foot with his socked one.

Liam looked up from the open book in his hand and smiled.

"There isn't, I'm just enjoying the fresh air," he replied with an air of sass that sent a thrill of excitement down Zayn's sweaty back.

He arched an eyebrow at Liam and intently held his gaze for a minute or two. Then, without taking his eyes off Liam, he curled his fingers around the hem of his black sports t-shirt and dragged it up to his torso and over his head in one fluid motion, before dropping it onto the ground.

To his delight, Liam breathing hitched up a notch, and his beautiful brown eyes slowly wandered over Zayn's torso, drinking in every ridge and every curve. Zayn flexed his abdominal muscles and watched as Liam's eyes settled on the tattoos on chest.

Liam's eyes lingered for only a moment, then moved to his navel, over his taut stomach and back up again. The longer Liam looked, the more flustered he became, and although he tried to hide it well, Zayn could read him like a book, knew precisely what was going on inside Liam's head.

Look all you want my precious little prince because that's all I'll let you do until you're ready to tell me the truth, Zayn thought. He allowed one of his signature devious smirks to slither around the outline of his mouth, curving his lips upward in a way that wordlessly told Liam everything he needed to know.

Taking a small step forward, Zayn nudged Liam's legs apart and stood between his calves, exercising a faint amount of dominance to enchant Liam further and wrap him around his little finger. He loved using these subtle small ways of dragging his man's submission to the surface. It always gave him a proper rush and years of experience told him that Liam felt the same way about the way he exercised his control over him. It was a whole different level of foreplay; it was a kind that ignited a spark that turned into a fierce flame of passion that continued to burn long after they'd stopped playing.

Zayn lifted a foot off the ground and carrying his bodyweight steadily on one foot; he trailed his toes along the inside of Liam's trouser-covered calf.

Liam gasped but didn't move away. He did, however, somewhat carelessly drop his book, no longer bothering with giving it his undivided attention.

"What are you doing?"

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