"Sam, ..tell your girlfriend she's a fat fuck."

Well deserved.

You walked out the door and Nick quickly followed. He grabbed your neck and pushed you against the hallway wall.

"What's your fucking problem?"

"Let it go Nick, you heard what she said to me. At lunch." you huffed, looking up at him as he kept his grip. You look down at his arm and back into his eyes. He bites his lip in anger. That's when a door closes, followed by the sound of laughter. Nick quickly moves his hands to your side and gently kisses you as they walk by. You shove him away once they were out of sight.

"Hey! Stop being a bitch, what the fuck y/n?" He grabs your wrist and you quickly pull away.

"She shouldn't be dating him. She's awful. So don't grab me like that."

"Just behave yourself. That's not your place, you're a year one."

You rolled your eyes as he pulled you along and you finally got to your dorm. All the girls were at breakfast already. You quickly changed out of the skirt and put on one of yours. You grabbed your bag and went to Nick. He was sat on your bed and once you faced him, he grabbed the back of your legs, pulling you to him as he squeezed your ass and sat you on his thigh.

"You gonna be a good girl today?" You look into his eyes and nod. "And what are you going to tell Miss Goode when she asks what happened last night?"

"...That you brought me to my dorm."

"That's good princess," he whispers, stroking your cheek. He brings you in for a kiss and you look at the small clock on your bedside table.

"We're gonna be late."

"We have time," he mumbles, pulling you closer and starting to get to your neck. You close your eyes and sigh with pleasure, but push him away, getting off of his thigh.

"I- I want to get a coffee. Please Nick let's go."

He sighs as you pull him up to join you. You head out the door and to the dining hall. You rushed to the iced coffee line and he stood with you, holding your bag.

"See? I told you that you wouldn't be late. We still have seven minutes. Silly girl," he says, roughing your hair. You whine a bit and desperately fix it, making him laugh. You got your coffee and you both sat down for the few minutes you had left of breakfast. The first thing you noticed was that Cordelia was no where to be seen. Good thing you had her first for study. You just wanted to see her, feel something familiar again. At least cared about by another person for something other than your looks or body. You kept mental notes on Nick.

No. 1: Probably using me.

You'll never forget what your mother said.

"In none of these situations do they love you y/n, they probably don't even like you! No one cares about your personality and if anyone tells you that, they're a fucking liar. They use you for your body and your looks and you let them."

Nick was probably one of those cases. But you couldn't deny yourself the pleasure of being wanted. Of him wanting you around and treating you like his special girl.

"Thank you for letting me get a coffee. You seemed in a rush," you laughed, taking the straw in your mouth.

"Of course princess. I want you to get some food too."

"Okay, yeah that would be good but I'm not super hungry so..." you replied with a forced smile. You just want to please him so he won't bother you about it. He went up to get you food anyways and you remained alone. Looking around, you spotted that girl Alice from English class and her friends, including Grace. She was sat on Sam's lap once again. Your blood boiled at the sight.

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