Chapter 14

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That wasn't... Fun...

I just needed help... Is that how he actually feels about me?

Does he hate me? Does he want me to disappear from his life?

But I'm not annoying... Right?

I mean... I do talk a lot... I bother him a lot too.

I also talk loudly most of the time...

Maybe I am annoying.

I grabbed the Moss Green Binder from my desk. It was my diary. It was the very binder my mother gave me on my 6th birthday. A few months before my mother....

I wrote every single thing that I felt in this very binder. I even spend my money buying refills for this. Dad says I was wasting money on it. But I couldn't care less.

This was the last thing I have on my mom. I don't even remember how she looks like a anymore. All traces of her were gone with the slam of a door.

I didn't even understand what was happening when she left. All I remember was I was being pulled from left and right by two people, which I presume as my mother and my father. And then the sound of the door slamming echoing throughout the room.

But all I can think about now is 'Would I have been happier if mother brought me with her when she left?'

It's not because I hated my father or anything (I am very fond of my father). But the idea of it. Clay won't be annoyed by me. He could finally live a peaceful life. Without me.


-No POV-

Tommy vowed to himself that he will find his mother someday and reunite their family once again.

Short Chapter.

Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you liked it. And please kindly send your recommendations for future chapters in the comments, it would really help to see your opinions and ideas. And this is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you an amazing day!


Falling from The stars (DISCONTINUED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ