Chapter 13

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It's been weeks. Or was it months?

I don't know, who counted?

Clay and George are finally a thing!


"Hey George!" I yelled as I was approaching him. Then the bell rang and I had run to my seat inside my classroom in just 20 seconds. And it was like many meters away.

I really want to ask him out tonight. But I have to take care of Tommy. Again.

Taking care of him, is starting to be annoying. I'm not referring to him being annoying, but the timing.

I always have to babysit him every time I start thinking about asking George for a date. Like I really hate it.

Why does he have to be so immature that my own father won't even let him leave his or my sight? Why did he have to be like that. Sometimes I wish my brother was never even born.

No. No. No. Don't think that. He's your brother, you don't hate him right?

"Mr. WasTaken." The professor growled.

"Sorry professor." I stated.

They stared at me for a second and then just moved on with the lecture.

I don't even understand myself, why am I thinking that.




"Have fun you two!" Their father shouted just as he left.

I hate the fact that I always have to watch this brat.

Wait brat? What's gotten into me today like, I keep saying bad things about my brother...

"Hey Clay! Can you help me with my assignment?" Tommy asked.

"Not now Tommy. I'm... Busy." I replied.

I don't want to snap at him in the middle of helping him.

"Oh okay!" He replied and left.

I really want to help him. I really do. But I can't think straight at the time.

For starters I didn't get much sleep from last night. I was doing some studying and some late night reading.

Everything is just starting to get confusing with me. I don't even understand any single thought about my younger brother.

"Hey Clay? Are done yet? I really can't answer this question." Tommy came back asking more impatiently.

Can't he just do it himself or something.

"I'm busy Tommy." I replied.

"But-" Tommy started but paused.

Something must be on his mind right now. What could it be? I don't know. Why would I
i even care? Of course I cared he's my little brother.

Ugh. I can't even think straight.

Tommy left once again.

Finally he left. Wait no, was he hurt?

A few moments later, Tommy came back.

"Clay, I-" He gets cut off.

"You know what Tommy? Just shut up! I've had with you, and your stupid questions! Didn't you learn that in school earlier. Didn't you listen to your teacher. Why can't you just leave me alone for crying out loud!" I snapped.

I immediately felt instant regret. I didn't mean all I said...

Tommy stared at me with tears in his eyes. He just ran to his room and slammed the door shut and locked it.

Can't blame him. It was my fault.

My fault...


Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you liked it. And please kindly send your recommendations for future chapters in the comments, it would really help to see your opinions and ideas. And this is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you an amazing day!


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