Chapter 2: Sapnap

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Sapnap's POV

"Hey Sap!" Bad called.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Skeppy wants to go star gazing. Why don't you come with him? I'm too busy to come." Bad said.

"'kay!" I shouted back.

You might not know me, but I'm Nick, Nick Halo, mostly known as Sapnap.

I was adopted by Bad and Skeppy when I was about 4 or 5. My parents died from a fire... A fire... That... I accidentally...


It was an accident. I didn't want them gone...

"Sapnap! What's taking you so long? Let's go already!" I hear Skeppy shout.

"No need to shout Skeppy." Bad said.

"Coming!" I shouted back.

I quickly ran down the stairs.

"Finally let's go! I know the perfect spot, though it would take a long time to get there." Skeppy said already walking out the door.

"Bye Bad!" I shouted catching up with Skeppy.

"Bye! Have fun okay?" Bad said.

Me and Skeppy got in the car and went on our way.

As I said, I live in a basic house with Bad and Skeppy. I was never comfortable to calling them dad/father. Because it'll be like I was replacing my old parents, even if Bad reassured that I wasn't replacing my old parents by calling someone else what I call them... But still.

But they do allow me to use their actual names.

More stuff about me,

I like Pandas! Which is why my name is 'Sapnap'. And I am afraid of fire. Even though I love watching things lit on fire or wearing things related to fire. I'm still not comfortable with it...

"Hey! It's been literally 5 minutes. Get up!" Skeppy said.

"Sorry, I fell asleep I think." I said.

"Ya Think!?" Skeppy said.

"Yeah! Now what?" I ask.

"We wait. Before I woke you up I've already setted up the stuff." Skeppy answered.

"'kay." I said getting up and layed down on the blanket.

I saw a lot of constellations and stuff. 'til I saw something that caught my eye. It was blue?

Weren't blue stars supposed to be one of the hottest stars? Is it coming closer?

Is it a shooting star? I don't know. Skeppy seemed to notice too. It then crashed a little far from us. We felt the impact of the object.

I ran to the direction it looked like it crashed at. Skeppy followed.

What could this be? A rocket? A meteor?

We then encountered a crater, or what would be the place it crashed.

"What is this?" Skeppy said.

"What? What do you see?" I asked.

"It's just a crater?" Skeppy answered.

We then hear some kind of noise coming from the left.

"Let's go home. Now." Skeppy added.

We ran back to where we were at quickly threw everything inside the car, and drove away.

What could that have been?

George POV

It's too cold. I should just start walking somewhere, maybe there's a nearby city here?

I walked and walked and walked. But finally I saw some light. Is that the city??


Writing another chaoter later :)

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