Chapter 8:School

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-Clay and Tommy-

"Why can't we just skip school" Tommy complained while walking.

"Because Dad will kill us if we did." Clay confidentially answered.

"By the way. Since we kind of just moved here. It's our first day of school..." Clay said his thought.

"I didn't want to move... We were fine back in Snowchester. Why did we have to move..." Tommy muttured.

"Tommy. You know that it was because Dad didn't have enough money to sustain our home in Showchester. We had to move to a smaller and cheaper house. And Las Nevadas house are usually at a small price." Clay replied.

"I didn't think you'd hear that." Tommy replied.

"By the way. Who is our Mom?" Tommy added.

"I don't know that much anymore too. Tommy." Clay answered.

Clay knew his mom like the back of his hand. But he couldn't just tell Tommy. Tommy would ask so many questions. Tommy might even try looking for his mother.

"We're here." Clay said as he stops.

"Since you and me are on different grade levels. You have to go to yours alone. Are you okay with that?" Clay askdx.

"Yeah! I'm a big man" Tommy replied as they walked in.


Where could this class be...

"Hey kid." A man said.

I turned around and saw a boy who was about 5 or 6 ft.

"Yeah?" I replied annoyed.

"Seems like you don't belong in this school. Because this is a Private School not a Public School." They said.

"Well. I am enrolled in this school so you can't kick me out." I said as I started to walk away.

"What did you say?" They said grabbing my arm.

I didn't understand what was happening.

A lot of people formed crowds around us earlier. But they seem to have left. Is class starting yet. No. It's too early.

Are they scared?

Only now I noticed. A whole group had sorrounded me. Are they bullies?

I should report them go the Teachers and sh*t. But that will make me something like a tattletale. I don't want to be one.

Then the bell rang. The whole gang ran away to their classrooms.  While the man holding me said, "I'll be back."

I ran to my room as they let me go. I don't want to bump into them again.


I left Tommy to go into my room.

Once I was inside. Everyone was busy in their little group of friends.

I tried talking to some but it was no use. They didn't know me. 

I just stared at them until a group of boys come into the room. With the teacher following behind.

"Good Morning Class. We have a new student. Can you introduce yourself?"

"Umm. Hello! I'm Clay. I like to play Minecraft. And would love to be friends with all of you!" I said cheerfully.

Some looked at me with disgust, while some looked at me with confusion and curiousness.

I sat back down and waited for their lesson to finish.

When it was recess. The same group of boys came up to me and said, "Hi I'm Sapnap, this is George, Wilbur, and Punz. Want to be friends?"

"Sure. I would love to." I replied.


Thanks for reading this chapter! Hoped you liked it. And please kindly send your recommendations for future chapters in the comments, it would really help to see your opinions and ideas. And this is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you an amazing day!


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