Author's Rant

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So the author had a very nice dream involving Massimo, which brought back memories of even a nicer dream. So here I share to you all that dream.

Basically this is how the dream started...

I was already a doctor interning in a top-notch hospital, where my bestie (in real life) was working in pyschiatary ward. So to get the senior who we would be shadowing, we had to pick chits and that would decide our senior. I got the name and was satisfied as I had heard he was a really good doctor and had done impossible things possible.

Everyone started scaring me about how ruthless, cruel and monsterish he is. They told me about him overburdening the interns and all the shit. On top of that, he was almost not present, He gave orders to me via sticky notes or even messages. I had met him like once or twice and was mesmerized by the way he handled each case.

One such day, my friend and all the interns with me were free from rounds. So we decided to play cards to realise that they were somehow in Dr. Devil's penthouse situated on the last floor of the hospital. My friend and I were strong people so decided to go and get the cards from his house. Unfortunately, the lift only worked till the third last floor until his floor.

We climbed the stairs and reached his floor. We were extremely tired by the climbing of the stairs. Joking with each other we looked ahead and realised that probably we weren't as strong as we thought we were. The floor radiated a dark and evil aura. With small steps we reached to the house door and knocked on it.

I distinctly remember that me and my friend argued on who'd speak to him. The door automatically opened, and we looked at each other, thinking if we should enter or not. Holding onto each other we entered in.

With every step we took inside, the pavement lit with lights, and the living room became clearer. The house was painted in black with matching sofas. Everything was in black including the curtains even. We saw the T.V was on and some horror movie (I think it was Anabelle creations) going on. We saw the packet of cards. Saying that we are taking the cards, both of us were to run away when Dr. Devil came, with just his dark grey eyes shown with the lights from T.V.

Something happened and my friend fled from that place leaving me all alone with the guy. (I hated her in real life for doing that. We had a full blown argument on why she left me in my dreams) Cards were gone from my hands and I simply stared at the doctor with a new found confidence.

Next scene opened where I don't know why but I was in his kitchen, dressed in his black shirt and a leggins, making tea for both of us. The darkness he radiated was still there but I found myself comfortable in it.

Give me one reason to why I was making tea for someone who scared the shit out of me. Am super crazy woman. I get it. So this was my most cherished dream, which still takes me back to that man. I still get shivers and goosebumbs when I remember that man's eyes. I wish I could potray it to you all. Dude was super creepy and scary.

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