Chapter 39- The Big Surpirse

Start from the beginning


Really? I have to wait another four minutes. Changing into more comfortable clothes than the dress I was wearing today, a pair of leggings and a white T-shirt is a lot better. Going back over to look at the clock my heart sinks.


Walking into the bathroom slowly. I look at myself in the mirror before pulling my shirt up slightly to look at my stomach.

Could a baby be in there right now? Shane's child? We've been together for only over a year, but it is a little soon. Before I know what I'm doing I look down and pick up all three tests.

And all three say positive.


With my head against one of his collarbones, my body between his legs, his hands resting on mine as we sit watching some TV program that I don't know the name of.

All three are positive.

The moment replays in my mind and my stomach feels sick thinking about it. What if I'm not a good mother? I don't want Shane and I to turn out lime my parents.

"Sweet Cheeks what's wrong," he says my nickname that he's called me from one of the first times I met him. "I know you would have laughed at that joke," he kisses my neck softly.

Thinking about not telling him is horrible, and the thought of what could happen is horrible.

I have to tell him.

The thought that this could be the last time he's ever going to call me that, or for us to be hanging out like this? It all scares me. What if he leaves me... The words from the lady at the drugstore replay in my mind.

I'm sure if he loves you, the way I can tell you love him, he'll do anything to keep you around, and he will be happy no matter what happens, if you're having a baby or not.

"I have to tell you something," my throat begins to burn and my eyes water. Swallowing back the feeling a sit upright on the couch. He does the same so we're sitting side by side. Taking a deep breath I wipe my eyes to make sure I haven't started to cry.

Shane takes my hand and I look towards him. His eyes seem concerned. "What is it?" He asks softly before kissing my knuckled.

Looking him directly into his big blue eyes, "Shane." My heart is beating so fast I'm so scared. Tears begin to fall from my eyes and I blurt it out as fast as I can.

"Shane I'm pregnant," I bring my hand away from his to cover my face as I begin to cry. I feel so sick right now I don't even know what to do with myself.

It feels like hours, thought its probably been only a minute or so before his arms wrap around me pulling me into his lap. Pulling me close to his body. He kisses my hair, my temple, my fingers that are covering my face he kisses everything that he can see.

"Alex look at me," I don't even want to know what I look like know but I don't hesitate my drop my hands from my face. His blue eyes are slowly letting tears fall. Why is he crying? He doesn't want to baby, does he? "Why are you crying?"

Studdering I look away towards the TV that is still playing some comedy program. "I'm scared," I whisper. He grabs hands and pulls them towards his mouth before he kisses them softly.

"Scared of what?" His eyes seem confused and lost at why I'm scared? Doesn't he understand what's happening right now?

"Because so many things can happen, you could leave me, I could so many things wrong, I could end up like my parents,"

"First of all, I'm in love with you Alex, you and only you. What I have with you is like nothing else. I never ever want to leave you," he kisses my cheek before continuing. "I'm pretty sure parenting is based off messing up, you can't worry about that because we'll learn as we go," the way he said we makes my heart beat so fast. "And Alex, I know for a fact that you'll never do what your parents did. So please, please, don't ever worry about that," my eyes search his.

"You're not mad?" I ask quietly.

"Sweet Cheeks I couldn't be mad at this, we're having a baby together, something we made through love. It's going to ours, our own baby," his words make my heart swell. His eyes filled with tears.

I don't even know what to do next. Before I realize it I'm pulling him in for a kiss.

"Oh my gosh," he breathes against my neck. "I'm going to be a father," he giggles against me.

"I don't even know if this is real anymore," I laugh, a large smile growing on my face.

"I believe it is Sweet Cheeks," he kisses all over my face. "And guess what, not only are we going to have a baby that I'm going to more than this world, I'm also going to love you just as much through absolutely everything we go through for the rest of our lives,"

My smile is wide at his words. "Shane you're so-," I'm cut off by his lips meeting mine.

"I'm not done," he smirks. Pulling a velvet black box out of his sweatpants that he is wearing, flipping it open to the most beautiful ring I've ever laid eyes on. "Like I was saying I'm going to love you more and more each day no matter what we go through, so Alexandra, will you please marry me and be my wife forever?"


THE END!!!!!!!!

oh my god its over and I cannot believe it. This is incredible!!

Well, thank you, everyone, who has read How It All Started it has been a great time with long waits on your part. I can't believe I actually finished this!! I'm so glad.

I love you all for reading this! I cannot thank you enough!!

Not going to lie I want to post an epilogue because I want to see the afterlife of Shane and Alex LOOOL


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