Forest Brawl

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(Y/n) POV

I head back inside once Yang and Ruby had fallen asleep or at least not actively seek me out. Ren had already defused Nora's antics, and I head to a more secluded part of the--

You! You were the one who told Ren to stop my super awesome extreme pillow fight, weren't you?!

Guilty as charged. Dumbbells in pillowcases sounds like the kind of thing they'd be laughing about while you're put behind bars.

They weren't that heavy. How did you even know? Wait, are you psychic? What number am I thinking of?

They definitely were, I am magic, yes, and you're thinking of pancakes.

She gasps

Ren! We need her on our team!

She's messing with you. (Y/n) here had to be told why I stepped out.

She gasps again

You liar! You can't join me and Ren's team!

That's too bad. Night.

I continue on my way to get some rest

* * *

Well, this is a pain.

I somehow managed to avoid Ruby and Yang so far, but the hall towards the exam is too open. I was hoping to be able to avoid them for longer. And I can't just take the cloak off. Doing that would be like admitting that I am less of mom's daughter than them.

I sigh as I walk into the hall and to my locker. I had enough time to grab (W/n) before they started heading towards me

Uh, hey--

Hey! Fake psychic! Ren wants you.

Nora rushes over and drags me away just as quickly

Take that as thanks for warning me. I figured you couldn't really hide in here.

Yeah, thanks. I'd like to avoid them for as long as possible. Though I guess it won't be much longer.

Would you like help confronting them?

No thanks. I wouldn't want to drag you into my drama. Good luck out there.

* * *

As we line up on what were most definitely launch pads, I noticed that there is an odd number of students, and based on what Dad, at least one examinee will be unable to enter Beacon. But I promised not to cheat, so I'll just have to get lucky and not be left out

For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest.

I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. You will be given teammates today during the course of your exam.

These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well. That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years.

Well, there are many people here. What are the chances that I get stuck with one of them...? Too high for my liking, that's how high.

BLANK | (Abused Fem!reader x Blake Belladonna)Where stories live. Discover now