Chapter 21

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"We're all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love." – Robert Fulghum

Kaylee's POV

I woke up in and only saw white. I looked around. "Anyone here" I said. I continued to walk around until I saw a black figure.
I stopped in my tracked. "Who's there, where am I" I questioned to the black figure. They started waking towards me. When they were a few feet away from me I finally saw who it was. I gasped and ran towards him.
He opens his arms while I jumped and hugged him. "Ash" he placed me down and placed his hands on my cheeks. I started crying. He wiped my tears away.
"Don't cry" he said. "I am sorry" he pulled me into a hug again. "Don't be" I pulled away. "I didn't make sure our kids were ok, I let them deal with the pain themselves" he pecked my forehead.
"Your going to take care of them now and that is all that matters" he said. "You hate me don't you"
"No I don't, I will never hate you" I grabbed his arms. "Are you ok, are you in pain" I liked him in the eyes. He shook his head. "Not anymore" he said.
"Are you happy" he nodded his head. "Very, what about you are you happy"
"I am now, have you saw Samantha" right after I said that she walked from behind him. "And you must be the one taking care of my kids" she looked the same as she did in the photos.
I nodded my head. "Good, your suck a good mother don't forget that ok" I nodded my head again. "I am glad that you make them happy, you are a better mother than I ever could be"
"No, you would have been a good mother too" I started hearing ringing. "What's that" I said. "It's time to get the kids ready for school" Ash said. "And time for you to go right" he nodded his head sadly.
"I want to stay with you longer" he placed his hand on my cheek. "I wished you could to but the kids need you" she took a step behind him. Samantha stood closer to me. "Continue to take care of them ok" she said. "Ok, I will for the rest of my life" he hugged me.
They started waking away. They turned to look at me one last time. "I love you Kaylee, and I am always there with you" he said. "I know and I love you too" they turned back around and held hands. They continued to walk until I couldn't see them anymore.
I felt like I was falling and I did. I fell through the white clouds and woke up on my bed. I jumped up and placed my hands on my head. I looked to my side to see Lily still sleeping. I quickly turned off my alarm and got up.
I went to the bathroom and got ready. I went back into the room and woke Lily up. "It's time for school" when she finally sat up I walked out of the room and woke the other kids up so they could get ready for school.
We were all down stairs eating breakfast. "How about after school we do something" I said. "That would be fun" Luke said.
I first dropped Samantha off at school now I was talking the twins to school. When we got there I stopped the car at the drop off. "Have fun" I said. "You too" they got out the car.
I was waiting for Luke and Lily to get out of school. "What are we going to do" Samantha said. Right after she said that the twins came in the car. "I am taking y'all somewhere where me and your dad used to go all the time" I started driving.
When we got to the place the kids got out of the car. "Y'all used to go to the beach" Lily said. "Yep, when y'all go to school we would come here before he would go to work"
They started running. Lily stopped and turned to me. She ran back to me and grabbed my hand. She started pulled my to run with her.
We laid out things on the sand. I sat down while the others out there feet in the water. I sat there and watched them play around.
I missed this so much. I missed going placed with them. I missed eating out. I missed everything. For the past 6 years I would be locked up in that room and only come out a few times a month.
I laid down on the blanket and looked up at the sky. "I will try my best for y'all" I said to Samantha and Ash hoping they will be able to hear me.
A few minutes later I felt 3 boys fall on me. I already knew who it was. The twins rolled off me while Samantha stayed laying there. "We miss you dad" I looked over at Lily. "We are doing good, even though it's not the same without you, we are trying our best" I grabbed her hand and held it.
"Bye daddy" I heard Samantha say. I looked at her. "What if y'all can do it I can do it too right" I placed my hand on her head. "Of course you can"
We got home. The kids did there work while I sat there and watched them. I looked at them. They all look so much like their dad. That every-time I was not in my room I would look at them and see there father. They make me happy. And for now on I will never miss another day with them.
I will be here when they need me. Even when they don't. I won't ever miss another thing again.

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