Chapter 20

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"I'm here. I love you. I don't care if you need to stay up crying all night long, I will stay with you. There's nothing you can ever do to lose my love. I will protect you until you die, and after your death I will still protect you. I am stronger than depression and I am braver than loneliness and nothing will ever exhaust me." – Elizabeth Gilbert

Kaylee's POV
(6 years later)

It has been six years. Six years since I gave birth to Samantha. And six years since Ash passed away. He died the same way Samantha did. A car accident.
I was sitting on my bed looking at a photo of Ash and Me. Our wedding day photo. I was bawling my eyes out. The kids were at school so it was just me.
I heard a knock on the bed room door. "Kaylee" I heard Alyssa say. "Come in" I said in between sobs. She opened the door and shut it behind her.
For the past few days I have been sitting in my room. Not taking care of the kids or even eating. It was the 6 year anniversary of his death. "The kids are worried about you"
"I know" I didn't look up from the photo. She sat beside me. "The kids will be waiting for you when you are ready" I finally looked away from the photo.
"How would you know?" She wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "Because they are your kids" I said. "I wasn't with them when they are going through the same pain"
"They might be going through the same thing they know you will help them" I placed my head on my shoulder and sobbed.
"Can you at least eat something" I shook my head. "Not right now" I said. "At least some time today"
I heard the front door open. But I still didn't move one bit. I heard footsteps walking towards the door. I didn't want to get up but I did anyway. The person started to walk away but I opened the door. I saw Lily. She was 12 now. She turned around and ran into my arms.
I hugged her back. "I am sorry" I said. She unhooked the hug. "You don't have to be" I put my hands on her shoulders. "I should have been there, I should-" before I coke finish she hugged me again.
Lily was with him when a drunk driver crashed into them. She has a permanent limp now. I should have been there to help her though it. She saw her dad die.
"Are you ok" she nodded her head on my shoulder. "I am fine, I am worried about you"
"Please don't be worried about me" I saw Luke behind her. I moved her to the side and walked to him. I placed my hand on his shoulder. He started crying and hugged me. "Your ok"
Samantha does remember anything about her father which breaks me. I tell her stories sometimes but I don't think that helps any.
I heard another pair of footsteps. I turned and saw Samantha. She started running towards me. She she got close to me she hugged me. "Mommy are you ok" she said. "I am fine don't worry"
"Dinners ready if you want any" I heard Mary. I picked Samantha up. And we all walked to the kitchen.
I looked at the food debating if I should eat it or not. I looked at the kids and saw them already looking at me. I knew that wanted me to eat it so I did. I picked up some food and started eating. They finally looked away and started eating there food.
I was tucking Samantha up in her bed. "Are you going to stay in your room for a long time again" I ran my hand through her hair. "No, I won't I promise" I read to her until she fell asleep.
I walked out of her room and walked to the other kids rooms. Lily was asleep and now I am going to Luke's room. I opened the door and saw him laying there awake. I closed the door and walked to him.
He sat up and turned on his lamp. "Why aren't you asleep" I sat on the bed. "I was thinking about dad" I stated to feel bad.
"How long have you been thinking about him" he looked at me. "Just today, I saw dads with there kids today and I thought about dad" he picked up the frame from his desk. It was a photo of him and his dad.
"Don't feel bad about not being there for us" he said. "I should have been there when you needed me" he placed the photo back in the same spot.
"You were going through more pain than us, we already had one parent dead and now I have another" I placed my hand on his cheek. "You still have me, you know that" he nodded and a tear started rolling down his cheek. I wiped it away.
"I promise I will be here for now on" I pulled him to me and hugged him. "I love you Kaylee" I laid him down. "I love you too" I pecked him on the forehead and walked away from his bed. Before I closed the door I looked at him one last time and then finally I shut the door.
I walked to my room. And shut the door after me. I walked to my bed and picked up the photo from the side table. I ran my hand over Ash. I felt a tear run down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away. I placed the photo back down and laid in bed. I looked to Ash's side.
I ran my hand over the spot where he normally sleeps. "I am sorry" I started crying again. "I am sorry that I wasn't with our children when it happened" I heard a knock on the door.
I quickly got up and opened it. I saw Lily. "Can I sleep with you tonight" she said. "Of course" I moved from the door and watched her limp to my bed. I shut the door and walked over to her. I saw that she was laying in Ash's spot.
I quickly got in the bed beside her. A few minutes later we both fell asleep.

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