Divergent Series

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This was suggested by @Amyasingleton, no idea why I didn't think of this sooner lol sorry that this took so long to upload I've been super busy. well keep the suggestions coming! ;) And thanks for reading, commenting, and voting!
1.) "I think we've made a mistake, ...We've all started to put down the virtues of the other factions in the process of bolstering our own. I don't want to do that. I want to be brave, and selfless, and smart, and honest... I continually struggle with kindness." - Four/Tobias
2.) "I believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another." -Will
3) "I don't think. I just bend my knees and jump." -Tris/Beatrice
4) "Are you asking me to undress, Tris?" -Four/Tobias
5) "Then I realize what it is. It's him. Something about him makes me feel like I am about to fall. Or turn to liquid. Or burst into flames." -Tris/Beatrice
6) "It's my choice now, no matter what the test says. Abnegation. Dauntless. Erudite. Divergent." -Tris/Beatrice
7) "Leaving us with Eric is like hiring a babysitter who spends his time sharpening knives." -
8) "I figured I would shoot the bullets out of my nostrils, so I left it upstairs." -Four/Tobias
9) "I throw my arms out to the side and imagine that I am flying. My heart beats so hard it hurts, and I can't scream and I can't breathe, but I also feel everything, every vein, and every fiber, every bone, and every nerve all awake and buzzing in my body as if charged with electricity. I am pure adrenaline." -Tris/Beatrice
10) "I read somewhere, once, that crying defies scientific explanations, tears are only meant to lubricate the eyes, theres no real reason for tear glands to overproduce tears at the behest of emotion. I think we cry to release the animal part of us without losing our humanity. Because inside me is a beast that snarls, and growls, and strains towards freedom, towards Tobias, and, above all, towards life. And as hard as I try, I cannot kill it." -Tris/Beatrice
11) "Who is he when he isn't Dauntless, isn't an instructor, isn't Four, isn't anything in particular?" -Tris
12) "You think my first instinct is to protect you because you're small, or a girl, or a stiff. But you're wrong my first instinct is to push you until you break, just to see how hard I have to press... But I resist it, because fear doesn't shut you down, it wakes you up. -Four
13) "I nod and look at the blackboard. Someone drew a line through Edward and Myra's names, and changed the numbers next to everyone else's names. Now Peter is first. Will is second. I am fifth. We started off with 9 initiates. Now we have 7. -Tris
14) "Becoming fearless isn't the point. That's impossible. It's learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it, that's the point." -Four
15) "At the same time, I hope I never find out. If she is still alive, Christina will find Will's body. And if she sees me again, her candor-trained eyes will see that I am the one who killed him, I know it. I know it and the guilt strangles me and crushes me, so i have to forget. I make myself forget it." -Tris
16) "Moths," repeats Will. "You're afraid of moths?"
"Not just a cloud of moths," she says, "like... a swarm of them. Everywhere. All those wings and legs and..." She shudders and shakes her head.
"Terrifying," Will says with mock seriousness. "That's my girl. Tough as cotton balls."
"Oh, shut up." -conversation between Will and Christina
17) "We both have a war inside of us. Sometimes it keeps us alive. Sometimes, it threatens to destroy us." -Tris
18) "The chasm reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy." -Four
19) "But that wasn't the first time I ever saw her. I saw her in the hallway at school, and at my mother's false funeral, and walking the sidewalks in the Abnegation sector. I saw her, but I didn't see her; no one truly saw her the way she truly was until she jumped.
I suppose a fire that burns that bright isn't meant to last." -Four
20) "Don't get me wrong, I like to laugh, but I also want a relationship to mean something, you know?" -Christina
21) "Sometimes i still forget to look for the gentler parts of her. For so long all i saw was the strength, standing out like the wiry muscles in her arms or the black ink marking her collarbone with flight." -Four
22) "In some parts of the ancient world, the hawk symbolized the sun. Back when I got this, I figured if I always had the sun on me, I wouldn't be afraid of the dark." -Tori
Originally I was only gonna do around 15 but I just kept writing lol sorry about any errors as i don't own these books :)

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