Part IV

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"Ugh, look at him," groaned Jill, nudging your shoulder with hers when she walked behind the counter to bring empty coffee cups from a nearby table.

You stopped mid-pour, turning to see whom she was talking about, but the only table occupied now besides Harry's was the older woman whose coffee you were preparing.

"Who, Harry?" you asked, holding back a grin.

"No, Stan," Jill scoffed. "Yes, of course Harry."

"What about him?"

"He's just so....ugh. Infuriatingly handsome."

Your cheeks a rosy pink, you turned back to your task at hand. After only one date, you weren't ready to tell your co-worker that you were interested in Harry in any way. Fortunately, you'd had the early shift that Monday morning, and Harry had arrived an hour before Jill's shift. So she hadn't seen your exchange when he'd walked up to the counter, a lopsided grin on his face as he'd ordered his flat white.

"I'll get that right out to you," you'd mimicked his smile before taking the next customer's order.

He'd chosen his usual table by the window, opening his backpack and setting up his tablet. When you'd brought his coffee to him, he'd whispered so softly, you had to lean over to hear him.

"Sorry, what was that?"

"I still can't stop thinking about you." His hand had covered yours on the table, and he'd given it a quick but tender squeeze.

"Then we may have a problem."

"Why's that?"

Boldly, you'd leaned over and whispered in his ear. "Because I can't stop thinking about you either."

"Y/N!" called Jill, snapping you back to the present.

"Yeah?" you blinked. Somehow, you'd managed to finish making the older woman's latte, andbrought it to her table without even realizing. You'd had Harry brain for the last two days. And with him currently present in your cafe, minding his own business, it was a wonder you were even able to function. Especially after his previous admission.

"Come see," your co-worker waved you over to Harry's table. "He's working on something new."

Wiping your hands on a towel, you joined Jill, standing beside her to see what Harry had drawn on his tablet. As he held it up, you felt a flutter in your chest.

"Oh, that's..." you started to say, pointing. It looked a lot like the painting you had seen at his apartment on Saturday. The one of the moon dripping. But you quickly side-stepped, not wanting to divulge your weekend whereabouts with your new friend.

"That's really cool," you croaked instead, clearing your throat. "I like how the drops make a heart."

"Thanks," muttered Harry, turning slightly to give you a smirk.

"Ugh! So talented!" Jill spun around, heading back to the counter as a customer entered.

You stood in your spot, your feet frozen to the tile as you watched Harry's stylus pen continue its magic on the screen. Clutching your hands at your chest, you noticed the slightest differences in the current drawing and the painting from the other night. Completely mesmerized, you almost missed it when Harry's finger beckoned you closer.

"Sorry..." you let out a breath, speaking softly as you scooted closer to his table. "I shouldn't be staring."

"At the drawing or me?"

You weren't sure if it was his question or his low, raspy tone that caught you off guard, but you felt a sudden high-pitched laugh rise from your throat and escape your lips. Shaking your head, you cursed yourself for blushing. You hated sounding like a giggling schoolgirl.

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