Part III

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Working the breakfast shift had its advantages. While it was the busiest time of the day at the cafe, you were grateful that it took your mind off other things - like Harry Styles for one. You were excited about your date with him that evening, but you were also nervous as hell. Working nights at Zelda's hadn't left you much time for a social life. In fact, the last date you'd been on had been nearly six months ago, and while the guy had been nice, and the evening had been pleasant enough, there had been no sparks or chemistry between you, and you never ended up seeing him again. Shae called you a social hermit, claiming you worked too much and needed to have more fun. But the truth was, you just hadn't met anyone that you felt was worth your time.

Another thing that was good about having the breakfast shift, was that you had time for a quick nap before you had to start getting ready. Exhausted, you wondered how you would have made it through to the evening if you hadn't had the extra time for a snooze. Your feet were killing you, your back ached, and you were pretty sure you smelled of coffee and maple syrup. Opting for sleep before a shower, you crawled into bed, out like a light.

You woke up to the buzz of your phone. Picking it up, you noticed you'd been asleep for two hours. But it was the text that sent your heart aflutter.

Hope you had a great day at work. I'm looking forward to tonight.

Smiling at the phone, you wondered again how and why this man already had this effect on you. Just a week ago you despised him. The mere thought of him would have had your blood boiling. But here you were, about to spend an evening in his presence. And it thrilled you.

Thanks, work was hectic but good. Just took a nice long nap. I'm excited about tonight as well : ).

Setting your phone down as you rose from the bed, you quickly heard another buzz.

Excited! Phew, I'm so glad. I was worried you'd change your mind and cancel.

Of course not.

Good : ). See you at 7.

You took a long, thorough shower, making sure to get every crevice. You used your good shampoo, the one you'd bought at the salon weeks ago that smelled like coconut. As you lathered, you thought of Harry's previous text. The one where he had been worried you'd cancel. He didn't seem like the type of guy to have any insecurities. If you had canceled, he probably would have just gone about his day, maybe even have asked out someone else. But you had to admit, it felt a little nice knowing he was relieved you hadn't.

Stepping out of the shower, you dried off and applied your favorite lotion, making sure to use a little extra in the areas where you'd shaved. You weren't sure exactly why you were making such an effort. While you weren't against the idea of sleeping with someone on the first date, you didn't always do it. And there was never a guarantee. However, this guy...

You had just stepped into your shoes and were putting on your earrings when your phone announced another text.

On my way. Should be there in ten.

How long had you been daydreaming? Was it time for him already?

Running a brush through your hair one last time, and making sure your makeup looked alright, you walked out into the living room where Shae surprised you.

"Hey, look at you!" she exclaimed. "I love that dress!"

"Hi, I um...didn't know you were home."

"Only just. About to hop in the shower."

"A date?" you asked.

"Yup. Brian's picking me up in thirty minutes. Looks like you have one, too."

The color rising in your face, you gave a quick shrug. You hadn't planned on telling Shae about Harry. At least not yet. If things didn't go well, you'd just have more reason to talk bad about him later. But if things went figured Shae would want all the juicy details. And you weren't in the mood for the prelude discussion.

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