"At one point, before Cameron asked me out I thought the two were either secretly dating or had an arranged marriage or something. I mean they were like Pinky and the brain." Marie laughs a twinkle in her eye as she speaks of their college days. "Though I do hope Lennox will soon meet someone."

"Marie," Lennox gasps, her eyes turning into big saucers. "My dating life is nobody's business."

"What dating life Lennox. When is the last time you've been on a date, or have had a good one night st-" Cameron coughs freezing Marie from finishing her sentence. "Sorry."

"Don't be on my account, I'm quite curious myself."

Lennox's head whips to face mine. She pulls in to me so close enough that her nose almost touches mine. "You do not get to be curious about anything about me and my private life."

"Here's the check." The waitress shifts awkwardly. I put her out of her misery paying quickly.

"I'm sorry if I have made anyone uncomfortable." Marie apologizes to which I stop her. "You have been nothing but lovely company." Lennox walks off her scowl in tow.

"She deserves someone to take care of her, she constantly does for so many." Marie grabs Cameron's hand and they walk off.

I bristly walk to catch up to Lennox, I don't know how she can move so quickly in those death traps she wears.

I finally caught up to her speedy ass.

"What do you want?"

"Can you just wait for one second?" Lennox ignores me to no avail, I grab her waist stopping her from running off again.

"Let me go," she whacks me with the purse in her hand. "Lennox what the hell."

"Why are you so angry with me?" She wriggles in my arms but has stopped hitting me with her purse. "Why did you send flowers?" What?

"Why wouldn't I send you flowers, Lennox?"

"Why would you send flowers if you were never going to call me?" I can hear my brother mocking me in my head.

"I didn't know if I could." I spin her so that she faces me.

"If you could call me?"

"Yes, I didn't want to pressure or overwhelm you."

"It's been almost two weeks and..." She's conflicted as she responds, her eyebrows pinched so tightly it might give her a migraine. I lay the pad of my thumb on her bottom lip.

"Lennox I adore you. I want this, I want you." She nods, pushing out of my arms.I want to ease her worries and the loud thoughts in her head. "So, you missed me huh?"

"Oh, fuck off."

Her office appears and I curse it. I barely got to spend any time with her. A result of my stupidity, still annoying nonetheless.

Angelo stands at the building doors with an expectantly look on his face. "I figured you would come here after your meeting. I didn't account for you already having Lennox with you. Ciao bella."

"Ciao ragazzo preferito" The response seamlessly comes from Lennox. When had she started learning Italian? "We've been practicing, come sta la mia dolce metà italiana." I have stars in my eyes and water in my ears hearing her speak in my mother language.

I can never fully peg this woman, she moved to the beat of her own drum. As soon as I think I have her figured out she shocks me in a new way. No woman has ever placed their own touch in my life. I have found myself reliant on seeing her, needing those moments with her.

A smile breaks out on my face and my control slips away. I pick her up, her legs dangling. She laughs from the deepest part of her soul. The sun feels warmer and the air crisper, spinning in circles with Lennox in my arms is how I want to spend the rest of my days. These days she's my wings helping me to fly freely.

I put her down when she protested her hair being messed up. Her feet touch the ground excitement in her own eyes.

"You have got to stop picking me up" her breathlessness does not persuade me.

"And why is that?" She steps in between my legs. Tilting her head she looks me in my eyes, "Because I might get used to it." She should prepare to get used to that and more. As far as I am concerned she will be given whatever she desires. I will make sure of it no matter what it is or what I have to do for it, Lennox is worth it.

A cough interrupts our moment once again. I look up to Angelo ready to skin him alive. When I do he shakes his head, I turn to find Jackson Dane.

Lennox tenses next to me. I know how much she detests the man, I find myself feeling the same way. His sense of superiority and intimidation echoes from where he stands. His bright eyes pierce on Lennox. I move to block both of their views from one another.

"Fabian Bianchi in the flesh." It is an insult for a man such as Jackson Dane to call me by my first name. I don't speak, just look at him waiting for him to speak, clearly he wants something.

"Where is my Lennie?" I want to yell at him, scream that she is not his anything. I want to threaten him that if he ever addressed her again he'd be dead, that we wouldn't even bother to bury his body either.

I know neither of those are options. Standing still I let Lennox decide whether or not she would speak to him.

She steps from behind me, head up shoulders back as always. Even in her confidence I see goosebumps pepper her skin.

"Hello Jackson." Steady she speaks using minimal words to control herself.

A sinister smile settles on his face. Predatorial he stalks over to Lennox hugging her. It makes me sick in a way I have never known. His hand touching her skin trying to taint it with his sliminess. It's much more than I can handle, but there is nothing I can do. I can't risk putting her in a difficult position, especially with him.

"Do you have time to meet with me or are you busy?" Accusingly he eyes me up and down. "I have time. Not much, but I can squeeze you in." Her eyes turn to Angelo's, who now is standing at attention, then to my own.

Slightly I nod letting her know that I understand. I understand that she has no choice, that she doesn't want to do this, and most of all that she has her own secrets. 

Bianchi: Dark KnightWhere stories live. Discover now