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•[No One]•

Eimi and Yuri ran up to a couple of trash cans and hid behind them.

It's all a plan, made up by Eimi, to spy on Y/N to see exactly what the woman did during the night when she's not home.

"Hey girl." Yuri exhales. When Keitaro came over he gave her her phone. Then they got into an argument.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Keitaro and I had an argument and then my mom showed up."

"How did that go?"

"Absolutely terrible. I approached her about threatening you and K and then she just lashed out on me. Like she legit grabbed me by the face and squeezed hard. She's way damn stronger than she looks." Yuri explains.

"Yuri, why did you tell her I told you she threatened me?"

"Because I wanted her to own up to it. Ugh, instead she just chose to argue with me."

"That was a terrible idea. What if she comes back to hurt me or something? You said so yourself she even hurt you. Can't you see that your mom is dangerous?"

"Yes, Eimi, I know that. What am I supposed to do about that? I'm cursed." She whispers.

"Okay...how about this. How about you and I spy on her and get evidence on her. We need to see exactly what it is she's doing every time she's not home. You mentioned her coming in at late hours. And you saw when she came home her knuckles were bruised. She could be killing people for real, Yuri."

Silence. "Yuri, we need to know what Y/N is doing. It's the only way we'll be safe. Don't you want to know what she's doing?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Good. Whenever she plans on leaving the house again, we follow her. You and I. However we can't tell anyone about this. This is between us until we get enough evidence."

"Enough evidence for what?"

"For our safety. Just keep your eyes peeled."

And moments after that Y/N was out again. Yuri nearly missed it since she was close to falling asleep. But when she heard the car start up she instantly called Eimi.

"Eimi, wake the hell up, it's fucking go time."

"What? Girl why are you calling me at nearly three in the morning?"

"My mom is leaving duh."

"Oh shit. I'll be right over."

"No, we have to go in separate cars or else I'll lose her. So just stay on the phone with me and I'll give you directions to catch up."

"Got it."

And so, here they are, hiding behind a bunch of garbage all because they're nosey. For Eimi, she's doing this for a completely different reason. And Yuri is just here because she wants to know of her mother's late night doings.

The girls gazed at the different cars in front of the building. For them, they had to park a bit further away, not wanting to be detected in any way.

"I'll record everything." Eimi whispers. She pulled out her phone, going to her camera. She knows she couldn't use the flash since it would just bring things to their attention and the dimly lit light on the outside above the door of the warehouse is not helping.

𝑼𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆/ 𝑹𝑶𝑫 𝑺𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒍Where stories live. Discover now