Chapter 2: Choosing Ceremony

Start from the beginning

"Sorry to disappoint, I didn't die in my sleep." Bellamy said without sparing him a glance.

"Lucky me," Eric retorted hollowly.

She just shot him a smirk, then glanced over at Four.  "A piece of cake says that the first person to jump will be a girl."

Four just shook his head in slight amusement.  "You've been saying that for four years now.  You haven't been right."

"Not yet." Bellamy corrected, watching as Eric made his way up the stairs and towards the roof.  "Finally, peace and quiet."

"Shut up." Four hissed.  "You know he's got it out for you.  And you talk way more than he does."

"And I've got it out for him." Bellamy said, unbothered by the statement.  "And for the record, I'm endearing, not a dick."

He would've snorted, if this wasn't her daily routine.  Wake up, throw insults back and forth with Eric, train—it was a good thing she had going on.

"Just once, you could go to training with the rest of the kids your age."

"Kids?" She asked in a pointed tone, eyebrows raised at him in annoyance.

"What do you want me to say?  Teenagers?" Four demanded.

She just let out a groan of annoyance.  "They're taking forever this time."

"Well it's not so easy." Four hissed back to her.

"I jump off of the roof weekly.  It's pretty straightforward."

"Not everyone has a death wish."

"Not a death wish, just a desire for fun, big brother.  Fun-killer." She murmured, shaking her head at him.

Bellamy's eyes flicked back upwards towards the roof, trepidation and excitement brewing just beneath the surface.  Any minute now, and they would have new recruits.

Her eyes locked onto a figure, falling through the air.  There was the sharp and familiar sound of the net snapping under the sudden weight and a gasp. 

Bellamy harshly elbowed Four.  "A girl!  See?"

He just rolled his eyes, then started forward.  Grabbing onto the edge of the sturdy black net, Four lowered it slightly, eyes locking in on the girl with the brown hair and gray dress.  Definitely Abnegation, with those eye-sores for clothing.

"What, did you get pushed?" Four questioned, quirking up an eyebrow.

"No," the girl breathed out. 

Four helped the girl down, shooting a glare at Bellamy as she popped up near the girl.  "What's your name?" Four asked.


"You can change it, if you want.  I would, if I were you." Bellamy piped up.

The girl looked a little more than disconcerted at the sudden presence of Bellamy.  "Uh—it's—"

"Is it a hard one?" Four asked bluntly. "Like Kitty said, you can pick a new one if you want.  But pick a good one, because you don't get to pick again."

The girl let out a breathless laugh.  "It's Tris."

At that, Four grinned.  "First jumper, Tris!  Welcome to Dauntless," his eyes locked onto Bellamy.  "I guess that means you get my cake."

With that, he strode away, leaving the newcomer Tris to stand awkwardly there.  Bellamy looked her up and down for a moment.

"So you jumped first...Abnegation born...what were you bored or something?" Bellamy asked honestly.

Tris felt as if she were under scrutiny.  Or being judged.  "No." She answered.

A cheshire-cat smile appeared on Bellamy's face.  "I like you, Tris.  You got me cake.  I can tell that we're going to be great friends"

"Wh—" Tris never got to finish her sentence.  Bellamy was already gone.


"Alright, slide it over." Bellamy said, crossing her arms.

"Eat your vegetables." Four said, narrowing his gaze.

"I will.  After I get your portion of cake." Bellamy retorted.

He wordlessly slid the plate over to her.  If there was one thing that Bellamy was, it was rather truthful and blunt.  Just one of the many reasons he enjoyed having her around.

Just as she had taken a slice of cake, her gaze landed on two girls.  Tris and another new recruit.  She waved them over, a grin on her face as chocolate crumbs landed on her chin.  "Come on!  I don't bite!" She exclaimed.

Tris and the girl exchanged an amused look before taking a seat at the table.  Bellamy brushed the crumbs from her mouth.  "And you are?" The girl next to Tris questioned.

"Bellamy, but you can call me Kitty." Bellamy said warmly.

"Kinky—" A boy down the table said.

Bellamy's eyes flashed dangerously as she glanced down the table.  "What are you, a pedophile?" She demanded, gaze narrow.  "Because I'm just fine cutting off your—"

"Calm down." Four advised in a stern tone.

She instantly quieted down, glaring darkly at the boy.  "Ignore him.  He's a dick.  I'm Christina." The girl piped up. 

"The name's Peter!" Peter called in annoyance.

"No one cares, asshole." Bellamy said, rolling her eyes as she went back to her cake.  Her eyes landed back on Tris, who was staring at the meat in surprise.

"What, have you never seen a hamburger before?" Christina questioned.

"No, I've seen one," Tris said, placing the food on her tray.  "I've just never eaten one."

"Abnegation eat plain food.  Plant-based diet with low fat and minimal seasoning." Another boy piped up.

"Which textbook did you swallow?" Christina questioned pointedly.

He just grinned.  "Nice to meet you too.  I'm Will.  Erudite."

"Of course—" Christina started.

That was when Four decided to jump into the conversation.  Well, that and Bellamy kicking him in the shin in annoyance.  "I don't want to hear about your old Factions." Four said, immediately getting everyone's attention.

"He's right.  Welcome to Dauntless, bitches!" Bellamy said, a grin on her face as she jumped to her feet. 

"She's..." Will started.

"She's the stray cat of Dauntless for a reason.  Just try not to get on her bad side.  She has a tendency to impale people." Four advised. 


Safely away from the excess of people, Bellamy finally felt the need and desire for silence in her little alcove.  It was still home to her, despite the fact that she had been given her own room.

She rather preferred the bird's eye view of everything.  She could be ready for anything.  For anyone.  For any threat. 

Call it paranoia, or whatever the hell you want, but she was not about to be caught off-guard.  Not again.

Bellamy knew that she probably should have been at training, like Four had indeed suggested.  But she had no desire for that.  She had surpassed most of the people in her class at this point anyway. 

What she was itching for was something real. A real fight, something real to do.  Not just pointless training over and over again.

Her eyes landed on the small blade that rested underneath the stuffed bird.  It hadn't left since the day she was six years old.  Hadn't even moved.  It still had the dried blood on it.  A reminder of what was really out there.

And that the real enemy was human.

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