"Well, still," Louis said, shrugging. "It was where I met you. It holds a special place in my heart."

Harry's smile softened, his hand finding Louis'. Their fingers intertwined. "Same for me, love."

"And we are gonna see all the lads," Louis grinned, resting his head back on the headrest.

Over the years Louis and Harry had stayed in contact with Niall, Liam and Zayn, but the chances of meeting up were rare. Especially since Niall decided to move to Australia to continue his education and then ended up finding a wife and staying there.

But tonight they were all going to be under the same roof. The same roof where they met each other so, so long ago.

"Damn right, we will."

Leo parked the car in front of the school together with all the other cars that held parked there. And as the gentleman he was, or maybe because it was his job, he stepped out of the car and held the door open for the prince and his boyfriend.

There were people around them, but since it was dark (it was after all evening and December) Louis couldn't make out any faces.

But it wasn't long before he felt a body colliding with his. "Louis freaking Tomlinson!"

Louis could recognise that voice everywhere and with a grin, he enveloped the lithe body that was glued fast to his.

"Eleanor!" Louis laughed. "Long time, no see."

Louis hadn't seen Eleanor since his twenty-first birthday, which had been quite a few years ago at that point. But they had continued to text and call on a regular basis.

Life had come in the way of meet-ups.

"You still with this old jerk?" Eleanor said, gesturing to Harry as they pulled apart. Her grin was wide, big and teasing.

"Yes, he is," Harry said dryly, snaking an arm around Louis' waist. "And it's Your Highness."

"God," Louis groaned, resting his head against Harry's shoulder. "I hate when you do that."

Harry lowered his mouth to Louis' ear. "Do you? I remember it as you are quite keen on calling me it in the bedroom, or is it just me?"

Louis' cheeks flushed red. "Let's get inside."

They went into the cafeteria, which was filled with people. And just like Louis remembered.

"Hasn't changed one bit," Louis wistfully sighed, leaning against Harry's side. "God- Not even Headmaster William. Look!" He pointed into the mass of people that were chattering, his finger directed at the same man who had called them into his office and multiple occasions. He was chatting with a person Louis didn't recognise.

"Yeah, you are right," Harry grinned. "Shall we try and find the bo-"

"Well, if it isn't the Prince of England and his partner in crime."

Louis and Harry turned around in unison, watching as Liam and Zayn stepped toward them; arms linked.

Still together as a couple, just like Louis and Harry.

"Payno, Zaynie," Louis grinned, stepping away from Harry and engulfing them both in hugs. "God, it's good to see you both."

"Ditto," Liam grinned, patting Louis' back. "We met Niall in the hall, snogging his wife's face off. Newly married people." He rolled his eyes fondly.

Louis scoffed. "Like you're one to talk. Remember when you and Zayn tied the knot two years ago? Unbearable to be near!"

"We were not," Zayn scoffed.

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