Chapter 5

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"Okay, so run me through it one more time." Scott slowly says, this is the fourth time.

With an audibly sarcastic sigh Martyn explains, "So, there are these beings-"

"The Watchers-" Scott interjects.

"Yeah... how about this- let's do a quiz." He suggests, with a thumbs up in agreement Martyn starts.

"Question One: How do we know them?"

"They're from an old world you played on.
From how you address them, it wasn't the greatest of relationships."

"Ding ding ding! Correct! Are you sure you need to go through this again?"

Scott looks away, "I don't... It just seems too weird to be true. Things that can control a world and change the rules as they please? Back in Empires we'd make and break rules, but that was harmless fun! No one gets hurt, nothing permanent is done..."

"Well they're not players. The way they acted towards us was not out of kindness... in the end we weren't able to save ourselves, the Listeners were the ones who guided us away from their hands and strings that caused our home to be destroyed. They allowed us to escape, they helped so much yet so little at the same time. "

"You haven't said much about those guys."

"Well," Martyn pauses, pondering at the sky, "I don't know much about them. They exist and are separate from the Watchers but I can't tell how separate." He feels like there's more, thankfully he can't remember.

"Maybe they'll help again? As long as these Watchers exist I'm sure they'll be around to help." Scott reasons.

"Sure..." Martyn speaks quietly, still wondering why Grian hadn't spoke about it sooner. As if something would've happened, talk or not the world goes on and we would still be in the gain.

The two of them head closer towards the border's corner where Martyn tried to hold his explosive birthday party and where villagers used to live. The grass is slightly charred whilst holes are dotted around from TNT and creepers. The two head closer to the border and it glimmers to signify the inability to surpass it. Eyes glancing across the horizon, Martyn's gaze ends up being fixed on one location.

"Nothing this side, what about..." staring at his friend, Scott follows his gaze to a small building partially hidden between trees and dirt.

It towers no higher than fifteen blocks but contains patterns of black and purple that highlights the side of the building in ways that shouldn't be possible. Upwards moving water and arched stairs show a ragged entrance beckoning for all to come. From Martyn's eyes there's no telling what may lay within the building, for only dark dishevelled bricks lay open to the world, all those secrets waiting still.

"Zero it would strike and thunder would not chime."

"Huh? What did you say?" Scott questions.

"Hm? Oh, I was thinking we should report back. This'll give us a clue of what to do next." Martyn's voice is more confident, sure that things will happen now there's a goal in sight.

Such high hopes.

How foolish.

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