Chapter 3

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The session is nearing it's end, and as the time starts to drain the players start to ready their weapons and string their bows. No one take notice of the irregular placed sticks, no one takes a second glance at the diagonal wood plank. But someone notices the footprints.

Looking down at the sandy shores, Grian starts to put the pieces together as the impossible footprint that indent in the sand start to wash away. The feathered earring that hands off his left lobe sways as the wind rustles his hair. Shouting, screaming and joy echo behind him, he's so used to it that the quiet of dreamed makes him uneasy.

Joel rushes towards him, sword in one hand and a half crazed look lingers in his eyes.

"I've got four minutes, a TNT minecart and the power of-"a sudden flying arrows brushes by him- "What could go wrong?"

Down the track, different factions are gathered round the end, sporadic movements cause blades to be raised and glances to be exchanged. Joel won't make it, Grian can see it clear as day and he bets Joel has realised that too. 

"Going out guns blazing." He comments.

"It's what the Bad Boys do best!" Despite the situation, Joel's tone is that of enthusiasm.

Grian nods, he's unsure what he can do to help without risking his own demise, but he's going to try his best. Glancing back at the sand, his eyes narrow. The footprints are gone.

"Hold on a second." Grian murmurs.

A light chuckle bursts out of the tall Bad Boy, "Tell that to the timer."

"I know." Grian lightly says, "Just- if you don't make it- make sure to find Tim and Skizz. Tell them I'll fix this."

Blinking a couple of times Joel gives him a reassuring smile, "Sure, though after I get some more time you'll need to give a better explanation."

"I will."

A boom brings them both back into the action, turning around they can see Scar checking their position at the end of The Bad Boy's Big Broken Bread Bridge™, but as soon as arrows take flight, he ducks and retreats to the ground.

"Why are they all clumped together" Joel exclaims.

"Roll some TNT, that's never failed in the past." Grian suggests.

"I only have one." His last words muffle as he looks at the gaggle of people, "You know what? I'm gonna speedbridge my way out of this."

An amused chuckle from Grian sees Joel quickly ascending through the use of planks and 'sick skills'. He manages to block off some of the direct arrows that shoot his way. Sticking into the wood, he pushes a frail TNT minecart off the edge, hitting no one. Multiple shouting voices, cloud ears as visions previously red fade as an arrow flies from the right.

"Grian, it's not going well!"

Then. He's gone.

Thunder ricochets around their hearts and silence encompasses Grian for seconds that feel like hours. Looking up at the slanted bridge his eyes try to adjust to what's happened.

"Joel?" Grian calls out. The cheers of murders are faded as he climbs to the spot of his friend's death.

Eyes switching from the empty planks and red-eyed enemies. His mind finally processes what's happened.

"Huh. Well, guess I'm a Nosey Neighbour now!" He announces to all, carrying on like nothing happened, even if mourning is an option, that pesky bird wouldn't take it.

After all, death isn't permanent, right? 

Not giving it a second thought, Grian jumps down into the depths of blue water bellow. The Bad Boys are no more and the battle starts to die down as a message appears within their chats

'Session Over! See you all next week!' 

Time halted, anger paused. Bidding goodbye to lesser eyes they disappear one by one. Until there where three, watching those who laughed and cried with them leave them behind. 

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