Chapter 1

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Forcing myself to take my eyes off that cursed symbol, I look up at the two of them reaching the peak of MI-Rye. Well, if they can't hear me, maybe they'll see my message in chat. Lifting up my left arm, I swipe up.


I swipe up again, again, and again- there's nothing! Why is there nothing? If I'm spectating, I would be able to at least see chat. Repeating the upwards movement nothing changes. If anyone could see me they'd think I'm crazy.

Frustrated, I stop my endless swiping and think. If I can't talk, or type in chat, the next best thing is a sign- but then they'd think it's a prank... Oh! I could place it in front of them, that's sure to scare them- and prove it's not a trap- but priorities, y'know.

Heading to the chests I expect for an inventory to pop up, but the lid opens slowly and all I'm met with is a disorganised mess of blocks and items. I move back and the lid stays open.

"Hmm." I mumble to myself, "What if..."

I open a chest next to it, and reach one hand in each. Pulling out a flower from one and a oddly heavy bucket from another, I stare at them with confusion.

As wrong as it seems, I don't mind it. It makes searching for items a lot easier. Actually, opening both lets me see the sticks and planks I need for a sign.

Grasping a stick I quickly retract my hand as a quick shot of pain ripples up my body.

"OW! Well that was unexpected." I exclaim, shaking my hand.

Going again, I'm more careful as I pick up the stick. Placing it on top of the crafting table I go to get the planks. With half my body submerged in the chest I grasp the bottom of a square plank and try to remove it-

A sudden thud echoes in the room as every time I pick it up, I'm forced to drop it due to it's extreme weight.

"What is this plank made of!?" My voice is hoarse as I gasp for breath.

I'm out of breath?

Now this is getting weird.

Looking back at the crafting table, I come to the decision to drop the idea. Even if I did succeed, I bet they'd take it as a joke- I wouldn't have taken it seriously either...

Closing the chest I exit the Grain Brain and look over the almost vaporised Bread Bridge. I could go to The Clockers- then again, we just killed them so that might not be a good idea. The Nosey Neighbours? They're pretty neutral, or as neutral as reds can be, not a bad idea. There's also the Mean Gills- then again, I don't trust Martyn with his pufferfish antics...

Ah, flip it, I'll take whoever I can find.

Marginally content with my decision I nearly jump off the ledge, like I'm used to. However, as my eyes look down, a sudden feeling of vertigo overcomes me, forcing my body to take a step back.
What if I die? I haven't thought about it before, all this time, all those worlds. I've never been worried about dying. But now? I look down at the water littered with glass panes that Martyn  sneakily planted. I'm scared. I'm actually scared.

Is there any quicker way down? No. I know this is the fastest- but... I might scootch around to the deeper part. Just in case.

As I take careful steps around the edge of the floating disaster, I become suddenly aware of the copious amounts of tripping hazards and empty holes. I'm surprised we didn't die any sooner. 

Peering down at the water, wind blowing my hair into my eyes, I can tell it's clear, I can tell it's safe. It's safe...

"Come on Jim. You can do this." I reassure myself, "What's the worst that could happen? Well- that's not the best question but it'll be fine. You've done this plenty of times before. You're-"

My oh-so motivational speech is abruptly cut off as what feels to be hands nudges me forward.

My mind blanks as sudden panic takes hold. A cool, cold wind rushes past my face and whacks my hair against my skin. The fall forces my body to turn around, eyes lingering at the empty ledge. 

I smile. A small chuckle releases as I close my eyes.

"Of course. What was I expecting?" The wind is getting colder, "No one's there."

Then, all noise reduces to nothing as my body clashes with the water's harsh surface.

It's so, so cold.

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