She smirks knowingly and takes out her phone: "I actually do. But you're lucky to have such a bestie. Not many people have his number. Yet, we were once partnered at a project across classes and we had to work together. I'm sending you his contact right now."

I tense as my phone lights up and I know that I now have Alec Dunn's number.

"Anyway, I really have to go now," she replies, then quickly ads: "I'll expect..."

"Details. I know," I finish for her laughing. She smiles.

"That's my girl. Bye, Soph," she says leaving the room. Dia also leaves after a while to meet her boyfriend, Leo. Which leaves me alone in the house. With Darrel. Who came by earlier to guard me.

I'm on the couch with the phone in my hands, staring at the contact. It's only after a while that I type down my first message and send it.

ME: Hi, Alec! It's Sofia. I got your number from Nini, my best friend. She said you've done a project together. Anyway, just so you know that I'm not a big stalker or so.

I sound so dumb in this text but it's too late. I've already sent it and he has already read it.

HIM: Hey, Foxy! I wouldn't mind if you were a stalker. Not at long as I'm the only one you stalk. Stalk any other guy and he's dead.

Oh my Gosh. This guy is impossible. Yet I texted him with a mission.

ME: Anyway...I just wanted to say thank you for the painting. I really love it. Thank you so much.

HIM: You're very welcome. Anything to see you smile.

HIM: I miss your smile.

I'm so confused I text without thinking.

ME: You met me one week ago. And we barely know each other. How could you possibly miss my smile?!

HIM: I told you, you underestimate how much I think about you, Foxy.

HIM: I dreamt about you again last night.

ME: That sounds creepy. You dream about me?!

HIM: Every single fucking night.

HIM: That surprises you, Foxy?

HIM: Do you also dream about me?

I blush. I dreamt about him. Last night. Yet it wasn't my wish. It just happened. But he's not going to know that.

ME: Yes, that surprises me. I didn't think I left such a mark on you.

ME: And no. I don't dream about you.

HIM: You left a big mark. I'm also surprised of how big it is. Yet you did it.

HIM: And we'll get there, Foxy. You'll soon dream about me, too.

ME: That won't happen. I don't even know you.

HIM: Ask me what you want to know.

He's kidding me, right?!

ME: You're kidding. You would never let me do that.

HIM: And you're underestimating me again.

HIM: Ask me.

He's ordering me. I'm a princess. Yet I obey his commands.

I ask the one thing I really want to know.

ME: Have you ever killed anyone?

HIM: Foxy did some digging. Have you asked around about me? I'm flattered.

ME: Answer the question.

HIM: And she's feisty. Good girl. I can show you the dead body if you want. When you'll come to recreate that painting with me.

I'm shocked. He killed someone. He freaking killed someone.

He must have noticed I don't answer since he texts me again.

HIM: I was just kidding. I haven't killed anyone.

HIM: Yet.

I don't answer again. And once more, he continues:

HIM: Whether I will or won't kill someone is entirely up to you, Foxy. Let another man touch you or recreate that painting with you, and I will fucking kill him.

HIM: It's up to you, babe.

I sigh, although he can't even hear it.

ME: Goodbye, Alec.

HIM: See you soon, Foxy.

And I would soon find out he actually meant it.


It's just afternoon and I'm at the desk in my room, making my homework. Darrel agreed that I stay alone, since he was going to be in the living room and there was only one way out. The door. There is a window but I'm not crazy to jump out of it. Anyway, I can hear him talk on the phone and I know who he's talking to. His wife. Who lives in Cordelia and they agreed to talk every Sunday. I don't know why he took this job and accepted to still be my bodyguard. He's always away from his wife. Because of me. Yet, he's still here.

It's the time I was highlighting the term Revolution as I hear it. A knock at the window. I freeze and turn to look. And I see him. Alec. Climbing on my freaking window. I'm so frozen, my body can't move. He makes me a sign to open the window since he's barely hanging there from a metal bar. Although I'm afraid, I open the window and he comes inside. I take my distance and almost hit the door.

"I'm not here to hurt you, Foxy," he says as he sees my fear. Then he comes closer and brushes my face with his fingers. It immediately turns hot. "I'd never hurt you," he adds. I don't believe him.

"I don't believe you."

He takes some steps back and puts some distance between us.

"You don't trust me?" he asks. He seems sad. 

I answer him honest. "No."

He nods and then goes back to the window. "Goodbye, Foxy." That's the last thing he says before he climbs out of the window.

I remain frozen on the spot, having no clue what just happened.

What the heck?!

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