13. Perrie

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"Right, time for your solo shots girls. Perrie you're up first." I heard Alfie the photographer say.

I was training to be a photographer for high profiled celebrities. This was my second day of training and I was still working out angles and lighting. I always had a passion for photography but my portfolio was full of objects and landscapes. I had never professionally took photos of people before.

"That's great Perrie. Yeah, just do a few silly poses for me." Alfie said before he turned to me.

 "Right Y/N, the lighting is this side so we want to be taking photos over here. Can you see?"

I nodded as I half-listened. The other half of my mind wandered off as I stared at the beautiful blonde in front of me.

"I'm going to take some photos, so follow me around and see how I work."

I nodded again.

Little Mix were very much the reason I was still alive. They were my idols, and all three of them were beautiful. But seeing them in real life took my breath away. They were mesmerising. I tried to stay focused on the task at hand but with Perrie swaying her blonde hair about seductively, it was proven to be a hard thing to do.

I heard a few gasps in the background and I couldn't help but notice that Jade was looking a little panicked.

"My eyelash has fallen off!"

Their make-up artist was busy doing Leigh's make-up and Jade was next to be up for photos.

 Their make-up artist approached Alfie.

"Is it okay if Y/N goes and does me a massive favour? I've left the eyelash glue in the dressing room. It's just on the side as you enter the room. It will literally take two minutes."

"Are you okay with that?" Alfie turned to me and I nodded. I wasn't doing much anyway and I would do what I could to help the girls.

I headed to the room for the eyelash glue and I heard the door shut behind me. I thought that it was just the door shutting by itself but then a voice stopped me in my tracks.

"What are you doing here?"

I knew that voice anywhere. It was Perrie's. Soft and playful.

"Oh, sorry. I've just been sent for eyelash glue. I'm leaving now." I picked up the glue and tried to walk past the blonde.

"I'm only playing with you. How are you?"

"I'm okay thank you." I started to stutter. "How are you?"

"Better for seeing you." Perrie winked. "Is this your first day?"

"My second."

"How are you finding it?"

"It's good. A lot to take in but it's been great."

"So how did I do? Was I okay to work with?" She smiled again with a glint in her eye.

"Of course." I stuttered again and she began to giggle.

"Relax, you don't need to be nervous around me. I don't bite."

"I'm sorry. It's just that you are my idol and meeting you has been the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Aww that's so sweet. Thank you. You're adorable."

I stood feeling awkward. Perrie had just paid me a compliment and I never knew how to take compliments, especially coming from someone I idolised.

"I- Umm best get this to Jade. I bet she's panicking."

I heard Perrie's voice once more after I walked past her.

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Umm nothing..."

"Do you fancy coming out... drinking? With me and the girls and a few of our dancers?"

"What? Me?"

"Yes you." She giggled.

"Why? I mean I'd love to, yes. But why me?"

Perrie caught up to me so she was in front of me again. "Because you're really attractive and sweet and I would really like to get to know you. I mean, if that's okay with you?"

I was dumbfounded. "I'd like to get to know you too." I stuttered majorly, but I was relieved that the right words left my mouth.

Little Mix One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now